herbw t1_j461mfp wrote
Reply to comment by Crumbdizzle in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
Both sandhill and whooping cranes are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) of 1918. This law strictly prohibits the capture, killing, or possession of sandhill and whooping cranes without proper permits.
Sandhill Cranes have been found as far north as Alaska & Siberia.
Saw flock of those over downtown, riding then rising . First 100' above the sky scrapers. Then more, then higher circling endlessly, easy riding air currents higher and higher. Till just out of sight. then gone.
The birds were using thermals to least energy gain altitude then fly further from the height gains. Long before humans, just recently made gliders.
They been flying the thermals for millions of years before we ever knew about those. They are LD fliers and knew instinctively how to make use of thermals before humans ever existed.
Majesticly rising higher and higher, efficiently low wind resistance for at least 2 hrs., then on to the next city thermals further north.
Riding the solar powered winds city to city, Transcontinentally.
herbw t1_j4604zj wrote
Reply to comment by sonorguy in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
Do yer cooks actually understand why duck is so high in fat? Sugars about 6 cal./cc. Protein about 4; fats upwards of about 8 cal./gm. Duck can fly long distances due to high calorie fats.
Fat is very much less dense than water. And critter that floats on water will not sink, BUT rather float on water. When is the last time you saw a chicken fat blob sink in water? Never. A water bird full of water, weighs more. Full of fat weighs far less than water/cc., and thus can fly more and with less wing beats. Fat is light and full of calories.
That's the physics and nutritional facts about duck.
herbw t1_j45zqgv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
Heavy in fast and cholesterol. Sorry no pork for me either. The closest most here get to duck!, are low door frames. with TG and cholesterol problems should avoid duck. Or not a lot very often.
herbw t1_j45zbhh wrote
Reply to comment by MrMcSwifty in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
Bird steak but not beef nor pork loin.
Emus are birds. Pigs are mammals. Beef and horses are related. Whale meat and porpoise are not fish.
herbw t1_j45z573 wrote
Reply to comment by ridsama in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
Gout does not define biology. Quite the reverse. The ability to clear DNA giving uric acid build up (gout) is not relevant. Gout does not define foods. The origins of edible foods does that.
herbw t1_j45yy5e wrote
Reply to comment by Mindless_Archer_6410 in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
Standards rule. Those must be biological based with foods. Anything else risks silliness and mistakes.
herbw t1_j45yrry wrote
Reply to comment by helmvoncanzis in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
USDA is not biology. Biology rules. If the FDA says that something is not a food that's not good science. No gov agency can long act outside of natural events in existence.
If they do it too wrong, people can get hurt.
herbw t1_j45ym10 wrote
Reply to comment by ElvisHimselvis in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
How's yer squash? You know his big ugly roundish thing with fur, above his neck?
herbw t1_j45yi0l wrote
Reply to comment by ghostoutlaw in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
When fish photosynthesis and grow chloroplasts, which will not happen. Vegetables are green plants. Shrooms are fungi.
don't go mixin yer plant and animal families.
herbw t1_j45y7y0 wrote
Reply to comment by phlex77 in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
Pork is mammalian. Its akin to mammals. So is horsemeat, elephant and so forth. Snake is reptile, bird is fowl. Fish is dependent upon species, and fresh water or sea.
It's biology that determines muscle meat, not how yer cook it.
herbw t1_j45xzt6 wrote
Biologically , duck is not specific as to species or family; Yer terms are not defined. Biologically is a fowl not beef or pork. but more like chicken.
They can call it whatever they want but biology is primary and the arts are not.
Duck is bird meat, like chicken, Quail, pheasant, etc. It's not mammal meat.
herbw t1_j3om1ne wrote
Reply to comment by justasmalltowndad in [TOOL] Chase Better Sleep as if it were Gold by PutSimply1
MAYBE But the question we psychs and medicos have to ask, is how do you know it's accurate and measures what it claims to do?
We are naturally skeptical of such claims. too much quackery and Nootropic stuff about. Frankly it'd take a lot of medical training and experience to be sure. And reddit frankly, is "ads gone bad" place, too.
herbw t1_j3oiz3e wrote
Reply to comment by justasmalltowndad in [TOOL] Chase Better Sleep as if it were Gold by PutSimply1
That's very true medically. Dad did that and with good genes lived to 99.
Am a natural night owl so tend to drift off the AM, night schedules; but a bit of promethazine, 10 mg. safely jolts me back into Day/night synch.
& treats the allergies too.
herbw t1_j3f02iu wrote
Reply to comment by starmartyr in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
BS, longitudinal lines are approximations. We cannot draw a spherical map on a 2 D flat surface. An Approx but still wrong.
herbw t1_j3ezx1n wrote
Reply to comment by DamnImAwesome in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
worthless, not accurate quasi info. It's an approximation and as such not quite right.
herbw t1_j3ezs8c wrote
Reply to comment by starmartyr in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
Natural boundaries such as river and lake sea coasts are not stable, set, nor precisely measurable.
Most competent map makers are aware of that. Not so 99% here.
herbw t1_j3exbks wrote
Reply to comment by drfsupercenter in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
Perfect circles do not exist. Idealisms are not real. That is another reason that Math , as Godel showed, is not complete, not always applicable, and occ. wrong.
Einstein a great empirical visual thinker said this. To the extent math is accurate it's useful. To the extent it's precise, it's not real. This einsteinian concept easily proves and is proven by the disparities between Maps and the features they pretend to show.
Mercator projections are not real. It distorts features. Either.
For instance if we look at 90 Deg map on the point directly below us, over a globe all the edges are distorted. If we move over 100 miles, worse. What we've mapped before is distorted and what we see 90 below us is NOT the same as 100 Miles East or west. Nor is the southern edge nor north edge.
So we do successive corrections and get an approximation. But it's never quite right. The flat map paper we lay down to read is Not exact either. Imposing that same 90 deg 2D flat map problem. See? Accurate, useful but assuming real goes too far.
As is said, what you measure depends by Einsteinian, true relativity, cannot be correct. There is NO absolute measure. There is NO absolute space/time. That space on the maps is a measure of that highly likely, by proven Relativity.
Thus ALL the flat maps we use are Wrongl! because they impose the Flat 2d, 90 deg but not spherical map on paper. National geo Maps are flat. The Earth is round, thus ALL OUR maps are not quite right.
So our maps' errors show the relativity of measuring methods. Missed that, dintcha!!
herbw t1_j3ewr3g wrote
Reply to comment by Silver-Toe4231 in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
well, in the Cairo Museum there are mummies who are daddies.
herbw t1_j3ewokp wrote
Reply to comment by djdefenda in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
fire a logical blunder buss and the whole thing falls.
herbw t1_j3ewiyo wrote
Reply to comment by starmartyr in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
nope. Those are implied micro corrections to a false 2D system imposed on a sphere. Beautiful curved, smooth spherical lines is what they can do. Rest is all SOThe Bull.
herbw t1_j3ew09g wrote
Reply to comment by jewellman100 in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
The truest critique is the best one,
herbw t1_j3evvax wrote
Reply to comment by horsemagicians in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
why do dogs lick themselves? Because they can.
We call that egregious mental wanking.
herbw t1_j3evp9a wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
We can ignore errors & false comments any time we choose. Point them out and move back into reality.
herbw t1_j3etb22 wrote
Reply to comment by TheCloudFestival in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
Not really just SOS lack of verification. utube is not the case.
herbw t1_j462rrs wrote
Reply to comment by fvgh12345 in TIL Duck is considered a red meat by culinary standards. by BertyBert1
The pathetic fallacy, Imbuing animals with human characteristics. The Pathetic fallacy. so close to polytheisms. So far from the facts and God.