
herbw t1_j91enpo wrote

As any can see by these graphs, it's become 8-10 times more likely over the last 15-20 yrs.


PS, a hat will not do any good. Course the weirdos will start wearing hard hats, with foil coverings. grin.


herbw t1_j6kenmb wrote

yep my heart of hearts. Hope to get there once more before I die. Glacier pt. overlook, max merced river runoff peak. 3 of greatest waterfalls in Western hemisphere thundering down, 1000's tons /sec. water.

I fly around there often in my mind's eye. To the Right Half Dome. Over a bit, nevada falls. Down a bit, Vernal. Up high right, Illilouette. Across the valley, Yosemite thundering down 1600' in two drops. Blow yer away you stand too close. To left, Massive El Capitan vastest Granite formation known. Others.

Tetons, too, Yellowstone maybe, but hell close my eyes, I'm there visual, hearing, smells of pines, sounds of animals. I got a good visual memory.


herbw t1_j6k0hxj wrote

Thanks for the heads up. Yer once more confirm our Neuroscience model, That there is a repeatin principle in brain which creates predictive control. Anil Seth. Thanks for likely confirming our model once again.

Keep up the good work!!


herbw t1_j6h9f86 wrote

The Notorious and common Spread Eagle spp. from what we hear... Esp. common in, near redwoods during summers.

Occ. but not often seen, are the 2 Bakt Beasts found. Their typical call is a long drawn out, low moaning sound. Our thanx to the Bard of Avon.


herbw t1_j6h8vqm wrote

Not in cali, tho. IN the national park west of Pike's peak, called Florissant Fossil Beds, there are fossil remains of Sequoia leaves there and those were as old as dinos.

The Rocky Mtn. Orogeny was volcanic and likely due to subduction over the pacific plate there. Hard to realize that most of western US was not there 75 M yrs. ago. The Rockies may have been as high as 16-20K feet high peaks back then too.

There are some good geological guides to the Central Rockies.


herbw t1_j6h7bsc wrote

good points. The roots cannot send up enough water to fully water the coastal redwoods. That is done by fog condensing on their special leaves absorbing water by that means. but they do get lots of rain there far south as Sta. Cruz where the most southerly groves are.

Capillary action cannot supply water needs, alone to the redwoods. The same fogs come on shore in summer and it rains from the fog banks, tho.


herbw t1_j6h749b wrote

400' are about the records, coastal redwoods. Giant redwoods the most massive living species tho the wood is not really alive.

even if they fall over, just enough of the roots are left living and those will often sprout in large rings of new saplings, thus replenishing the species. Except for Bristlecone pines, which are very rare, and live at freezin altitudes, thus their longevities bein in a natural freezer part of the year.


herbw t1_j6gtxgq wrote

Just use the genie in the bottle solution. Don't let AI data pile up. Shut it off back into the bottle after an 8 hour day. Let it start anew the next day. This will avoid a growth system which can get out of control.

IOW keep the genie in the bottle until we need to use it, then back in the bottle, shut down phase.


herbw t1_j6gt2dt wrote


herbw t1_j5zsn32 wrote

Look, was a practicing MD for 40 yrs., psych and clinical Neuroscience, American Bd. of Psych/Neuro accredited. Yer preachin to the choir. Mental illnesses do that which is why they are illnesses. Bad outcomes.

Sure they don't eat right, fatty foods, get overweight and get heart disease? All the time. Smoking the same. People make lifestyle mistakes all the time which have bad health consequences. Nothin new there.

But Schumaker was clear about those. Delusions are the commonest human mental illnesses. and knowin that we can get rid of much of what you've written.

Sad thing is most people know they have problems but can't break out of them very easily.

That's why Whitehead's Breakout methods are so good." Almost anything, he averred, which breaks us out of our current ways of doing things, is a good thing.



herbw t1_j5wp324 wrote

We can only diagnose causes of 50% of nerve injuries, either. That creates huge incomes for Neurologists , too. Half our incomes, including EMGs from those. 1 academic teaching MD, told me there was no money in neuro. I laughed all the way to the bank. He didn't do EMG's. $1250/patient, do 4 of those a day when able.

Physician heal thyself. I got 1 of those. Only things which KO those chronic pains are opiates which make me sick. or good "O"s with a good woman. I prefer the natural pain control methods..


herbw t1_j5uukk1 wrote

Uh. depends upon what you mean by doing work. Since adopting computers have found what took me about 1 hour to write, such as email, letters, and my clinical neuroscience work, can write 3000-4000 words/hour in a good day. 15-20 times more work using word processors instead of typewriter.

That is in a nutshell why we use computers. And with printers, and spell checkers, now finally with large enough vocabs for we professionals to use, quite a bit more.

I can with websites, as do others, advertize and connect cheaply with billions of users. It's in fact easier to send photons and electrons, than paper, and ink. Which is why, come to think of it, the papers AND broadcast media are collapsing.

Tech is way more efficient that ink/paper in 100K's of tonnes/day.

Efficiencies, doing more with less time, money, materials, etc., 2nd Law ThermoD are the way the universe tends to strongly.

Shockin #'s of people do not know 2nd law, and what least energy, drivin efficiencies here on earth & out across all observable space portends.

This is what's goin on

Universality. ThermoD driving most all processes includin fusion (universal star/galaxy shine), and growth/evolution as well.

Dr. Karl Friston is paramount in this work. Sadly, most have never heard of him.



If I'm beyond yer ken, then so is Dr. Karl Friston, dept. chair, UCLondon.


herbw t1_j5nljn5 wrote

Wiki article states began at 1947-8, first.

Those are important in medicine because we took in the past, Polaroid images of each child at birth, plus hand and foot prints to specially ID newborns so they cannot be very easily mixed up. Those were affixed to the charts.