I mean all the stuff you're naming has existed since the 30s. As a matter of a fact in the 30s, 40s, 50,s etc they'd remake movies literally a few years after the first movie came out. Also Idk what the last part of your paragraph is about. With the Little Mermaid specifically, they didn't just go hey we're casting a black girl in the lead. They did blind casting and went with the girl that was best for the role as it should be. Ariel is not a set-in-stone white character. Do some movie execs pander too much, sure, but I'd prefer that over the media we had 25 years ago like Friends which didn't have one minority cast member or even background workers and it's set in fucking New York.
Sure, but when you work with someone for 40 years the thought has to come to mind. I'm not even talking about it as if she's a woman. I'm talking about it as two rich people around the same age intimately working close to each other for 40 years.
Obviously, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about since I'm not a scientist or an oncologist, but wouldn't it make more sense to develop technology that tracks cancer cell replication before it turns into full-blown cancer? Like let's say, and this is some futuristic sci-fi shit so hang with me here, you swallowed a capsule and that capsule lived inside of you and just tracked your cell replication, and then when it detects abnormal mutations it triggers you to get your blood checked to catch any signs of cancer forming and it can be eliminated before it turns into cancer. Most cancers if they can catch it early or before there's a tumor they're 100 percent treatable. Maybe they're already working on alternate versions of this idea, but I think with regards to cures for cancer it's been practically a century and it seems like we've made a small dent with immunotherapies and a few other things, but the dent is just not a big as you'd think with the money poured into the research and development of these things.
Backstreet boys literally sell out arenas around the world and have a multi million dollar vegas residency on top of having a number 1 album a few years ago and a grammy nomination. They're all multi millionaires.
Yeah he started the band essentially, which is hilarious because he ended up being the guy that no one took seriously. JC and Justin got the solo deals when the group broke up and Chris who started everything got the short end of the stick. If you watch the Boy Band Con, which is a documentary on youtube, literally the next album Nsync put out would've been the first album they would've made real money from since Lou wouldn't have a percentage of it and boom they break up before Chris could get any money off of the album.
I always wonder are lawyers just looking to sucker people into legal fees or do these cases often times result in a decent settlement and that's why lawyers take them on? I know the McDonalds settlement for the hot coffee was like a huge million+ dollars award, but I think the actual coffee was legitimately like nuclear hot. In this case this doesn't even sound like it would even it make it to a judge before being thrown out.
I mean up until a few years ago Lance was practically begging for a reunion and Joey and Chris do like one off shows with other bands. Seems like it's a case of justin not wanting to do it and the promoters not wanting to do a full tour without Justin.
I guess I must be discounting how easy it was to learn these things. I figure it's easier now because you have the internet to research the customs, languages, etc of the country and go from there.
How are they moaning? They're saying it makes no sense that they need to pay for verification, which they're right. The entire point of being verified is for the followers to know they're following a legit person. The celebrities, journalists, entertainers, etc are the commodity on twitter. They're the draw. Asking them to pay to promote your product when they're the draw of the product is hilarious.
They kind've jumped the shark after the first couple, but still iconic movies from my childhood. Maybe it's nostalgia kicking in, but those Disney channel movies were so well made compared to what gets made for kids today.
Yeah the Garland story is now infamous like the Spielberg actually directing Poltergeist instead of Toby Hooper, but in this case Garland is up front with being pissed about not getting a directors credit on Dredd.
That's strange because I think Cop Shop is the best movie he's ever made next to Narc. Sometimes directors getting control stripped from them makes for a better movie. It's like the Edward Norton story on American History X where Norton basically took over the movie and the editing and kicked the director off the movie and the movie actually got better because of it.
herewego199209 t1_j27ghxe wrote
Reply to How long will the current juggernauts of the industry remain at the top? What will replace it? by Mr628
I mean all the stuff you're naming has existed since the 30s. As a matter of a fact in the 30s, 40s, 50,s etc they'd remake movies literally a few years after the first movie came out. Also Idk what the last part of your paragraph is about. With the Little Mermaid specifically, they didn't just go hey we're casting a black girl in the lead. They did blind casting and went with the girl that was best for the role as it should be. Ariel is not a set-in-stone white character. Do some movie execs pander too much, sure, but I'd prefer that over the media we had 25 years ago like Friends which didn't have one minority cast member or even background workers and it's set in fucking New York.