himewaridesu t1_iu4d9w6 wrote
Reply to comment by MightyMason in Remote high school or Dropout? by SouthWindsorHS2024
So the two teachers it could be- one has a VERY common name. OP could be mistaken. If a teacher has a felony they don’t get a job at a school. Period.
himewaridesu t1_iu488ah wrote
Reply to comment by Ordinary-Ride-1595 in Remote high school or Dropout? by SouthWindsorHS2024
So looking at the teachers- there are two guys it could be and one has a VERY common name. Like, could easily be someone else.
himewaridesu t1_iu3znbn wrote
Reply to Remote high school or Dropout? by SouthWindsorHS2024
So before you drop out over one class… take a different one. Go to your guidance counselor and switch classes. If you aren’t getting a response talk to a trusted subject teacher to have them help you advocate for yourself.
himewaridesu t1_itz08xk wrote
Finally saw that pro-police ad he has. Which is baffling-the wife is the only one speaking and the (former?) police husband just…. Stands there. Like a puppet. It was unsettling because if it was really about him- why didn’t the husband speak? Also Bob is very tall. (Eye roll)
himewaridesu t1_itmyrpc wrote
Reply to comment by Kodiak01 in Police dogs in Bradley security by in_the_woods
Given that poinsettias are toxic to both dogs and cats I can’t say I’m shocked the drug dog couldn’t find it in there.
himewaridesu t1_it4ceu8 wrote
Reply to comment by Bravely_Default in Why is Bob Stefanowski even running by pinktwillshirt
I wanted to know how tall he was to know that fact. I can’t find it. Lamont is 5’7” though!
himewaridesu t1_it4cavi wrote
Reply to comment by HighJeanette in Why is Bob Stefanowski even running by pinktwillshirt
If he is that’s impressive.
himewaridesu t1_isp13h8 wrote
Reply to Hiking Suggestions? by Vness374
Shipsentist in Ellington has a LOTR feeling path with rocks lol
himewaridesu t1_ismcxdk wrote
Punky wood- will disintegrate when you smack two pieces together. If it makes a wet noise or feels super moist it’s not good. If it thunks/feels dry you’re doing good. Make sure you have a wood rack OFF the ground and either metal or pressure treated wood. We just had to move our piles and they had them on barely covered pellets that were rotting. Also make sure your wood is covered on all four sides- weigh down the top with other wood pieces/rocks and the bottom with logs/rocks.
himewaridesu t1_ir9o555 wrote
Reply to Alex Jones Asks Lawyer To Declare He’s ‘Boycotting’ Trial, Flees Testimony On Private Jet by IndicationOver
Lmaooooo time for some prison walls. You can’t just “boycott”, fool.
himewaridesu t1_iu4q6t3 wrote
Reply to comment by Ruca705 in Remote high school or Dropout? by SouthWindsorHS2024
The problem is the guy has a super common name. OP isn’t being honest here and it’s frankly a lot. Being upset about something like this is legit but also