
t1_iyqv40b wrote

Mask up.
Flu is airborne infectious. So is RSV. Masks help prevent you from breathing in the viral influenza particles.

A lower infectious dose is easier to fight off. You’ll likely be less sick. Masks will help lower the viral dose you receive, if not prevent it altogether.

They’re simple, very effective, and you already have the masks.

Good Ventilation — Mask-up when indoors with groups — Keep indoor group encounters short.


t1_iyqtg6f wrote

Here’s another study from Feb 2020:
Reduction and Functional Exhaustion of T Cells in Patients with COVID-19

In short: In some cases (unknown exactly who or why) SARS-2 can directly infect the T-cells. This results in a milder set of symptoms, but serious immune system debilitation. This leaves people vulnerable to other opportunistic infections.

One marker from other studies I’ve seen: A second Covid infection is somehow much worse —for the immune system— than a first case.

And yes, one possibility is SARS-2 infecting T-cells could be one of the causes of long-Covid. There seem to be several different causes of long-Covid symptoms, it’s still unclear wtf is going on. Probably multiple things, IMHO.

Don’t catch Covid. But if you’ve had it once, definitely don’t catch it again! That seems to be a good rule of thumb so far.


t1_iyqrw3y wrote

The kicker with flu is that a person is usually infectious & transmitting before they have symptoms as well. So better to mask up generally right now.

The other wacky thing I’ve heard, is that there is some evidence suggesting that influenza might actually cause people to want to socialize in groups during the pre-symptomatic infectious phase, while they are actively breathing out little airborne viral particles. I’ll see if I can track down the study/ies on that.

But yeah, everybody would be safer if we all masked-up this flu season.


t1_iwyw3kh wrote

So… this implies that we’re actually Martians!?!?

If Earth was sterilized when the moon was created, but then re-seeded with life by meteorites coming from Mars… then we might actually be Martians.

Which means when NASA’s Mars Sample Return Mission brings back the samples Perseverance is currently collecting, we might be in for a BIG surprise!

I’m hopeful at least.

Especially in light of this observation


t1_iwm9gfh wrote

Ironically, the land in the Hanford reserve is probably some of the most untouched land out there. Except for the radiation, but that’s mostly leaking into the groundwater & the Columbia. Or something like that.

Edit: There are Pygmy rabbits out there, and sage grouse, and more, all on hundreds of acres of untrammeled land! Hanford is a huge, unintentional experiment in land conservation.