hoopbag33 t1_j65xnmk wrote
Reply to comment by _Karagoez_ in I took a 2 1/2 hour flight from Chicago to Boston. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get from Logan to Watertown Square by jenkneefur28
Its 2 stops on the blue line to Aquarium lol. Just because you don't want to take it doesnt mean it doesnt work.
Terminal to T shuttle is 10 mins max. You're on the blue line for about 5 minutes and you can be walking into the north end.
hoopbag33 t1_j5sbpyd wrote
Reply to Scam? by jcceballost
Anyone knocking on your door that you aren't already expecting to knock on your door is more than likely a scam.
hoopbag33 t1_j2bi4al wrote
Reply to comment by OwnResource in People who stop because they’ve missed their turn on a rotary- do you realize it’s a circle? by roadtrip-ne
I say this all the time (not always about rotaries). Stop being nice. Be predictable. If you are ignoring the right of way and "being nice" you are just endangering those around you.
hoopbag33 t1_j29lbvu wrote
Reply to comment by itsonlyastrongbuzz in New coronavirus subvariant, XBB, now widespread in New England by uxd
Uh, there are plenty of boosters. I could easily make an appt and get one in October of this year, exactly when I wanted to get it, on like 2-3 days notice at a local CVS along with the flu vaccine.
We have them, people don't care anymore and aren't getting them at a high enough rate to do anything.
hoopbag33 t1_j1dbe0y wrote
Reply to comment by solar_powered_wind in Helpful graphic from NWS about the upcoming storm by ndiorio13
By Saturday they'll be mostly fine but I wouldn't go faster than needed just in case.
hoopbag33 t1_iubpwzs wrote
Reply to comment by Whyisthissobroken in More MBTA celebration by colorcodedbooks
I always just got yelled at to stand up straight lol
hoopbag33 t1_iub7mrt wrote
Reply to comment by colorcodedbooks in More MBTA celebration by colorcodedbooks
hoopbag33 t1_iub15s9 wrote
Reply to comment by TreeCommercial44 in More MBTA celebration by colorcodedbooks
Makes sense. I’m huge and I have never done this but I don’t mind just looking crazy tall lol.
hoopbag33 t1_iuaehco wrote
Reply to More MBTA celebration by colorcodedbooks
I'm sure I'm just a 200 year old idiot but what is the thing with not standing normally and having one foot well in front of the other?
hoopbag33 t1_iuaea2w wrote
Once you get into the city its extremely walkable.
hoopbag33 t1_iu0g6mo wrote
Reply to comment by Yak_Rodeo in ‘A 24-hour neighborhood’: Wu outlines plans to bring downtown Boston back to life - The Boston Globe by TouchDownBurrito
You want places like A4cade and bowling alleys to be open so you have activities late? Guess how they make their money. Booze.
hoopbag33 t1_itzq9va wrote
Reply to Carmakers have done nothing to comply with state's right-to-repair law by lurker_registered
Try doing a consequence
hoopbag33 t1_itl8gkl wrote
The metered spots are fine but you have to wake up and leave in the morning
hoopbag33 t1_jd387kt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kelly's Roast Beef opening new location in Dedham by Omphaloskeptique
While I wholeheartedly agree with this, there are some exceptions. When I went to the one that used to be in Allston and asked for a Super beef with just sauce he asked "what kind of sauce". It ended up coming with au jus on the side. That place deserved to close.
It depends if they're going to train their employees to make Kelly's food or just let any old dipshits use the Kelly's name. Seems like some do and some dont.