
horsemagicians t1_iuk9aav wrote

I suspect both are militarizing space. We have China and the $700 billion US military. They’re both definitely militarizing space.

Also competition and collaboration are both great. Competition between the Soviets got us Mars, Venus, and going to the moon. Collaboration got us the ISS. The US needed another buddy in space.


horsemagicians t1_iuk73zi wrote

Because allowing that creates a risk of the birds being hunted just for feathers. Being native doesn’t automatically make them some mystical group of people that watch over the land. It’s a group of people just like any other group of people. And when you get a group of people inevitably you’ll get assholes. And in this case those assholes will decide to shoot birds for feathers and sell them. Where I am we have different tribes fighting for and against coal mining on their lands. Some see dollar signs some see protecting nature.


horsemagicians t1_iuaecq9 wrote

Satellite internet was never intended for large metro areas. Same problem as when cell coverage goes to shit in huge crowds. It was always designed for more rural areas. A connection straight to the wall is faster than wifi and ground based internet is going to be faster in metro areas than satellite. They need to do what Google did years back.

That said more competition on the ground and in space is never a bad thing when talking about utilities.