hurdygurdy21 OP t1_jecd0p7 wrote
Reply to comment by getraenk in I got to stop saying things aloud while gaming by hurdygurdy21
I don;t even wear a mic haha
Though when I'm my PS5 I definitely have to make sure to turn off the controller mic. That could get me in trouble lol
hurdygurdy21 t1_jec9k5i wrote
Reply to comment by Kurdt234 in Very nice, Leon by jakesimp1
Heheh, haven't heard this one in a long time
hurdygurdy21 t1_jec1044 wrote
I don't know. I've always found SBMM inconsistent. Sometimes it feels like I'm with players on my level, not a bad game. Every one is fairly balanced. Most people having a good time. The games end close.
Then there are times when one team completely dominates and it feels completely unfair. Like pros vs a team of people using their tongue to play the game bad. Even when it's my team doing the dominating it doesn't feel great.
Definitely still needs tweaking.
hurdygurdy21 t1_jebx4uz wrote
Reply to comment by DynamiteDuck in Very nice, Leon by jakesimp1
They really do don't they? Haha
hurdygurdy21 t1_jebqkpe wrote
Reply to comment by Retroid_BiPoCket in Very nice, Leon by jakesimp1
Then Thanos comes in and says "my infinity war will cause an endgame" while Batman fights Chuck Norris in leg-to-leg combat
hurdygurdy21 t1_jebnfg4 wrote
Reply to Very nice, Leon by jakesimp1
I love it when Leon goes
"It's Leon-ing time and I got to take care of this resident evil."
hurdygurdy21 t1_je7rvq0 wrote
Remnant from the Ashes isn't bad. Kind of a Souls-like looter shooter. I believe it can be up to 4 player co-op.
hurdygurdy21 t1_je5loa7 wrote
Reply to comment by DOCoSPADEo in Soup of the day at an airport by frankPutty
A full glass of whiskey is worth every dollar *looks at wallet* Okay maybe I'll just take the ice...
hurdygurdy21 t1_je5du8n wrote
Reply to Soup of the day at an airport by frankPutty
Can I hold the croutons and just fill the space with more whiskey? Please and thank you.
hurdygurdy21 t1_je2vmlm wrote
I think between PS4, Xbox One, and PC I probably put in about 1100 hours in Rainbow Six Siege. I think that's the most. If we talk franchises though I've probably put most of my in Assassin's Creed or CoD. Haha
hurdygurdy21 t1_jdtofnn wrote
I'm honestly surprised how accurate some simulators can be. Not saying you could make a career choice based on how well you do one but you can for sure learn some basics in things like Power Washing Simulator, Euro Truck Simulator, Lawn Mower Simulator, most farming sims, and yes the PC building sim is not bad. I think I remember watching Linus Tech Tips play it and he was pretty impressed. Not 100% but good enough to get the idea.
Goat Simulator can teach how to be a goat and I love that lol (that was a joke but you get the point)
Edit: not necessarily a sim but there is a gun disassembly game I played once and that taught me a lot about stripping and field stripping weapons. I've forgotten most of it but enough to know the basics.
hurdygurdy21 t1_jdtf64p wrote
Hey the fit works. Just stay away from iron.
hurdygurdy21 t1_jdq8jvh wrote
Kirby? Spewer from the Flash game of the same name? Yoshi? DEADPOOL?
hurdygurdy21 t1_jdpzyc5 wrote
Reply to comment by Nilla-Vanilla in In what order to Uncharted games go? by FuckStalkers2ndAcc
This. Golden Abyss was a lot of fun.
hurdygurdy21 t1_jdmnfg9 wrote
Reply to As a Playstation Fan... by [deleted]
It's funny. I'm scrolling through Reddit while watching FritangaPlays talk about the merger and I see this post. Was half expecting some salt but this is a reasonable take. Sony should focus on all those shelved 1st party titles they have. I would love a new Gravity Rush or Sly Cooper, LBP, hell even a better Knack (second one was pretty fun if I remember right).
I have both consoles so I don't care at this point but it is nuts to see Jim Ryan trying so hard to keep CoD when they have so many other titles that aren't on Xbox and some that will never come to PC (losing hope about Bloodborne, RIP). It's like he doesn't have trust in his brand or something which is not a good look for a CEO.
Oh well. Makes for some good content.
hurdygurdy21 t1_jd1umpf wrote
Reply to comment by imareallifehobbit in Is ESO worth playing in 2023? by [deleted]
Fair enough though FFXIV is pretty great. ESO is fine, Phantasy Star Online is also good but I guess that is more weeaboo stuff lol
As far as consoles there aren't really an array of options. DC Universe Online maybe. Neverwinter. Path of Exile is a Diablo-like game but console controls are pretty trash tbh.
hurdygurdy21 t1_jd1tvwr wrote
Reply to Is ESO worth playing in 2023? by [deleted]
I'm not big into MMOs and took a break from ESO a while back as well. I returned (started a new character) and it seems pretty easy to get back into. Just if you want to do the main game and expansions in order it requires a bit of research. It's not really a direct line and it depends on your alliance. I recommend it though if you like Elder Scrolls and MMOs.
hurdygurdy21 t1_ja6c668 wrote
Reply to Mr Noodles by squishydonkey
Best flavour imo
hurdygurdy21 t1_ja65w3s wrote
Reply to Humen is a more logical plural to human than humans. It’s men and women, not mans and womans. by frenglish_man
Have you met the English language? Logic doesn't apply a lot of the time.
hurdygurdy21 t1_j9uwjqg wrote
Reply to comment by kpatsart in I drew Leo as a GL. by kpatsart
This could be a thing. Warner Brothers did do that TMNT/Batman crossover movie. It's not a far stretch for them to get some Lantern Corps rings. Do you think Splinter would have the yellow ring or perhaps he'd manage to get his hands on the orange one and it becomes like a TMNT?Lantern rogues-gallery showdown to get the one orange ring?
hurdygurdy21 t1_j9uvqux wrote
Reply to I drew Leo as a GL. by kpatsart
That would be an interesting spin-off. I can picture Raph getting his hands on a red ring.
hurdygurdy21 OP t1_jecjfff wrote
Reply to comment by Grogu918 in I got to stop saying things aloud while gaming by hurdygurdy21
Haha nice
Dads gonna dad I guess
I normally stay pretty quiet unless I get tilted. Then I just start speaking jibberish or random things like my post haha