hurtyewh t1_ja2f7pq wrote
LCD-X is easily my favourite of the big four (HD800s, Clear, Arya), but only when EQ'd (Oratory1990's preset). Best value and the only one that can do serious bass and have least weaknesses left after EQ. That said I prefer HE6se V2 over them.
hurtyewh t1_j9x93lu wrote
Reply to Got the loot boys and let me clear things up around the Sennheiser 660S2 by AdAlternative9011
From what I've gathered if you EQ these they add nothing but price and most reviewers at least prefer HD600/HD660 over these with 660s being a distant fourth.
hurtyewh t1_j9ijrwo wrote
HE6se V2. Absurd fidelity, great tuning so easy to EQ to perfection and dynamic beyond anything I've heard. The only headphone I would take over them so far is the LCD-5.
hurtyewh t1_j9ihayu wrote
Reply to I was wrong… - Abyss Diana TC by petethebeat14
The headphone outputs on power amplifiers are often garbage. Like a $1-3k amp can have a headphone output that has nothing on an Apple dongle except maybe output power.
hurtyewh t1_j9i43dd wrote
There is no endgame without EQ ;)
The dac/amp do so little in the end. A single band EQ does more than the difference between an Apple dongle and a multikilobuck stack imo.
hurtyewh t1_j9i3n9k wrote
Reply to comment by FKSSR in I turned my 6XX into a weighted blanket by GHOSTVIPERZ28
Closing the same design narrows the stage. DT990 is bigger than DT770, which has a rather big stage for a closed back.
hurtyewh t1_j8zh6hw wrote
Reply to Just got the Abyss Diana TC by petethebeat14
Jumping to something like that from Momentums is a ridiculous leap and I'd not be surprised if your ears need a lot of time to appreciate the differences. Like if you've had microwave meals your entire life and then you go to a three Michelin star restaurant. You'd have no idea what it's about. Could also be that they're not your type as well as they seem to be very neutral without bass elevation. It's common with planars that you need to EQ the bass.
hurtyewh t1_j8v65ux wrote
There are good ones like Pro. DT770 with EQ (not DT700). Maybe K 273, I'm testing those tomorrow. Most are bad though.
hurtyewh t1_j7u97kc wrote
Reply to comment by Yarin56 in Hd600 vs Dt 1990 Comparsion by Yarin56
Yeah... it wasn't just participating in the joke...
hurtyewh t1_j7qamo4 wrote
Reply to Hd600 vs Dt 1990 Comparsion by Yarin56
DT1990 is the harsh unsophisticated studio workhorse for the plebians who don't know about the Amiron ;)
hurtyewh t1_j6h4pzq wrote
Reply to Anyone knows which Cirrus Logic chip it uses or has measurements of it? Tanchjim Stargate by Captain_Diablo
I think it's Cirrus Logic SG-1🤔
hurtyewh t1_j6h08ic wrote
Reply to HD6xx sounds different from Laptop 3.5 and E10k despite getting enough power. by BrutalFeather
The E10K is likely closer to how it should be technically and laptops can do whatever to the sound. A decent solid state amp and dac should sound pretty similar to each other. Like my iBasso DC05, an Apple dongle, 789 and L70 all sound essentially the same with just different noise floors and power outputs.
hurtyewh OP t1_j6de83v wrote
Reply to comment by SupOrSalad in JBL Endurance Run - Actually the best $20 option? by hurtyewh
Oh yeah, true. I'll make more comparisons with the other ones since my guess is these are the smoothest by my ear (with the Cadenza, which is just a touch brighter).
hurtyewh OP t1_j6dci1b wrote
Reply to comment by SupOrSalad in JBL Endurance Run - Actually the best $20 option? by hurtyewh
That looks very strange to me. I wouldn't have thought any part of the treble goes above Harman and mostly stays 1-2dB below. I listened to many tracks that I often have treble issues with Beat by Tingvall Trio for example or Radha Kaise Na Jale by A.R. Rahman and they're easy to listen to at high volumes.
hurtyewh OP t1_j6cm8a0 wrote
I got these to try since DMS mentioned they beat the Chu and I've felt the cheapo chifi situation has gotten a bit out of hand and having some other options would be very welcome. Turns out these are damn nice. I've been supposed to make a proper Wan'er, Zero and Cadenza comparison, but luckily having a baby in between delayed it enough to add these in the set. Here's a first impressions after a few hours of listening.
The balance is excellent. Perhaps a tiny bit safe in the highs, but smooth and present. There's as much bass as you can cleanly add, but a bit of sub bass is missing in comparison to some of the others, but the transition from bass to mids suits much more genres than with the Salnotes Zero for example. Detail, timbre, everything is great. The staging feels wider than usual with IEMs which has it's benefits and issues. For critical listening it's nice, but on the go casual listening might feel a bit less engaging.
These can be worn cable over the ear or normally, but at least for me over the ear negatively affects the sound rather clearly. Volume drops, dynamics suffer and of course flipping the channels can be jarring when you're familiar with songs with the intended mix. The part resting on your concha is also a bit chucky and fit might not be ideal for small ears while the tip itself fits nicely.
These might actually be the best tuned IEM I've ever heard having a Dusk, Timeless etc. It does no tuning tricks like added treble, clear sub bass separation etc, but just does everything nice and smooth.
Submitted by hurtyewh t3_10o58xm in headphones
hurtyewh t1_j6866j5 wrote
Reply to comment by PhoenixRisingtw in Tried Oratory EQ on multiple headphones and prefer the default sound. by wiggan1989
I second this. The AutoEQ presets have been garbage and very different from his PDF's.
hurtyewh t1_j6863m1 wrote
I'm the exact opposite. I much prefer (almost) every headphone with Oratory's presets than stock. There are a limited few that I would even care to listen without EQ anymore. Which headphones for example and are you sure you level matched? Louder is always better when A/B:ing. Any specific aspect that you didn't enjoy since perhaps dome aspect of Harman is not good for your taste or ear?
hurtyewh t1_j681fof wrote
Reply to comment by flyedchicken in HD 560s First open backs by Army_Elegant
Like what?
hurtyewh t1_j5x9za4 wrote
Reply to HD 650 ruined me by GLikesSteak
Try Oratory1990's EQ preset. For me it doubles the sound quality.
hurtyewh t1_j5x482k wrote
Reply to HD 560s First open backs by Army_Elegant
HD560s have a small soundstage still. K 701/702 is a few steps more open, but Edition XS is probably the cheapest that sounds really open.
hurtyewh t1_j5woeku wrote
Reply to HD600 = absolute Endgame by xGuacamolly
For me, if you use Oratory1990's EQ preset then these really offer so much that anything more is just luxury unless one listens to EDM, metal etc that need a bit more and cleaner bass and even then they're fine.
hurtyewh t1_j27vlfh wrote
A) might not just be your thing, B) the jump might be so big you need time to understand the differences (like jumping from MoonDrop waifus to appreciating the masterpieces of impressionist art), C) the M50x's are laser sharp in the treble and have overdone porridge bass so your ears might be fucked like mine were after using them for a few years that something balanced sounded boring (HD650 for me) and it will take time to readjust, but the M50x's will likely sound horrific afterwards.
The amp is likely fine. An iBasso DC05 or Apple dongle is. I recommend EQ (Oratory1990 preset) to bring the bass up a bit. They're really damn nice headphones for most people. The big soundstage also makes them more diffuse sounding in the bass especially which is a bit less gripping and more ethereal than you're likely used to.
hurtyewh t1_j27tven wrote
Reply to Might be a basic bitch but i’m happy! by Pigman232
The 702 is a great headphone. Especially with a Harman EQ.
hurtyewh t1_ja2zusm wrote
Reply to Crin signed the delta airlines ( W ) by Clickbaitllama
Those should be Crin's next collab tbh.