
hymen_destroyer t1_j6uj9yr wrote

I was born here, went to college in Canada, fucked around in upstate NY for a couple years, then moved back. The thing is it's not particularly better or worse than most other places but I never really felt at home anywhere else. I just fit in here better. It's not the most exciting place and it's pretty expensive but I love it anyway


hymen_destroyer t1_ixrn6n4 wrote

That's interesting...it seems like these sorts of conflicts were common in Nauruan society, but would be relatively low-intensity affairs and protracted "blood feuds" rather than full-blown wars. But add guns to the equation and it quickly boils over into a bloody civil war.

And then of course the Europeans go "well clearly these people just can't handle governing themselves" after making this whole thing possible


hymen_destroyer t1_ixec3wt wrote


hymen_destroyer t1_iwwi85t wrote

I’m sure the pizza there is fine but it’s probably limited to a handful of restaurants. What people need to understand about these discussions is that if you say “x has the best pizza” and you’re not talking about a specific restaurant you’re talking about the average experience. Take any random pizzeria in Connecticut and compare it to a similarly random place elsewhere in the country. There are actual pizza deserts in this country and I’ve lived in them. We have plenty of mediocre pizza here but looking at the big picture you’re probably going to get a decent piece of pizza by throwing darts at a map of the state and finding the nearest pizza place. I would posit CT is the only geographical region with this distinction


hymen_destroyer t1_iuaibko wrote

She had a tumultuous freshmen term, got her name put on some unpopular proposals, and was seen as a weak link in the democratic stranglehold on the state so they went after her pretty hard.

I've actually met her, she's a pretty cool person and very much pro-labor. Unfortunately she doesn't represent my district so I can't vote for her