iandavid t1_j2due44 wrote
Reply to best clam chowder near providence? by sunflower178
The best clam chowder (and clam shack food in general) you can get year-round is at Blount’s in Warren. They do online ordering for takeout and they’re also on DoorDash. I recommend the 3 clam cakes & chowder special plus a seafood stuffie.
iandavid t1_j25il88 wrote
Reply to comment by AuditorFodder in Progression of 95 North Aqueduct demolition. by tads73
It wouldn’t make sense from an engineering standpoint to try to move the viaduct underground, but we can still easily cap the trenches between Orms and Smith, and between Atwells and Point. It could be done by selling air rights for some parts (similar to what Boston did over the Pike in Back Bay) and using the proceeds to build parks over the rest.
iandavid t1_j20jwim wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in Commute to Boston by Psychological_Tune53
I don’t know. But sincerely, thanks for sticking with this inane thread and sharing the source of the inaccurate info. I’ve been following this project closely for the last couple years, so the February 2023 date made no sense to me, and this isn’t the first time I’ve seen Channel 10 bungle their facts.
iandavid t1_j20h21o wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in Commute to Boston by Psychological_Tune53
Thank you for providing sources!
I think the issue is that you were misled by WJAR’s shoddy reporting. The Mass Transit magazine piece has more accurate wording:
> Early construction activity will take place intermittently at the station through February 2023.
Meaning the preliminary work was expected to be done in February. But that same article quotes the MBTA GM as saying:
> “We’re excited to see these upcoming station upgrades reach 100 percent design and look forward to acquiring the necessary construction funding to make these critical repairs and important accessibility improvements at South Attleboro so that we can return Commuter Rail service to the station”
iandavid t1_j207tkf wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in Commute to Boston by Psychological_Tune53
Except they never announced when they’d be done, only that some preliminary work was starting. There is no timeline for reopening the station at this point. You can complain about the T’s numerous failures all you want, but you can’t fault them for not honoring a timeline that never existed.
iandavid t1_j1zt2nk wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in Commute to Boston by Psychological_Tune53
The only reporting I can find says that they got $8 million for the demolition and early work, but that they have yet to secure the full $60 million in funding to complete the project: https://www.thesunchronicle.com/news/local_news/mbta-plans-to-start-work-in-fall-on-south-attleboro-commuter-rail-station/article_ba52a6b1-a432-5e3c-9646-4033998a2eb3.html
If you have more recent/accurate info, please share.
iandavid t1_j1zqxb8 wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in Commute to Boston by Psychological_Tune53
There’s no timeline for reopening the station at this point.
iandavid t1_j1zqugz wrote
Reply to comment by Diligent-Pizza8128 in Commute to Boston by Psychological_Tune53
“Early construction activity” is just part of the work that needs to be done. The funding hasn’t yet been established for the full scope of work. So there’s no timeline for reopening the station at this point.
iandavid t1_j1opn7u wrote
Reply to comment by Emmafabb in Is Pawtucket the new up and coming area outside of Providence? by jeanclaudevandamnnnn
It is, but trains from that station will only run once an hour in each direction. To be useful, local transit needs to run every 10-15 minutes.
iandavid OP t1_j1oiupt wrote
Reply to comment by jeanclaudevandamnnnn in The Pawtucket/Central Falls commuter rail station opens January 23rd. by iandavid
Overall, probably not. There is a lot of redevelopment planned for the immediate area around the station, and those new units (plus existing housing in the immediate area of the station) will likely command higher rents/prices. But most of Pawtucket isn’t exactly walkable to the station, so I doubt it will have much of an impact to the city as a whole.
iandavid OP t1_j1e2je0 wrote
Reply to comment by Educational_Leg36 in The Pawtucket/Central Falls commuter rail station opens January 23rd. by iandavid
It’s new and in a different location slightly to the southwest, with access from Pine Street to the south and Barton St/Weeden St to the north. The official address is 300 Pine St, Pawtucket, RI 02860.
The old station would have been too expensive to clean up and reuse, plus it sat on a curve so it wouldn’t have been a good location for new high-level platforms.
iandavid OP t1_j1daf4q wrote
Reply to comment by edthesmokebeard in The Pawtucket/Central Falls commuter rail station opens January 23rd. by iandavid
So that residents of one of the densest (and poorest) areas of the state have walkable access to regional transportation that can bring them to work in Providence or Boston.
iandavid OP t1_j1by45m wrote
Reply to comment by bartolo345 in The Pawtucket/Central Falls commuter rail station opens January 23rd. by iandavid
I’m not sure but my guess is the parking lot wont be done when the station opens. And from what I’ve heard it’s not going to be a big lot anyway, because the station is designed to serve the nearby area and folks arriving by bus (plus hopefully future transit-oriented development).
iandavid t1_j1awaou wrote
You’re probably smelling the asphalt plant on Allens Ave.
iandavid t1_j0sem13 wrote
iandavid t1_iwoka36 wrote
Reply to Trader Joe's loading dock at 8pm. by tads73
The solution to large trucks blocking streets to access loading docks is smaller trucks.
iandavid t1_iwoeuze wrote
Reply to comment by HairyEyeballz in Why 95 exit changes? by MadLove1348
The maddening thing about I-95 in Connecticut is that there are actually 93 exits along the 111 miles between Rhode Island and New York. So they seem like milepost exits, but there’s really just that many of them.
iandavid t1_iurgman wrote
Reply to comment by total_life_forever in The entrance and exit of Trader Joe's. Looks like trouble. by tads73
Both of which are a mile away from this location, on the other side of a hill.
The key here is walkability; a walk to a grocery store that’s less than a mile away for thousands of people will make a bigger difference than you think.
iandavid t1_iurftys wrote
Reply to comment by AttackonRetail in The entrance and exit of Trader Joe's. Looks like trouble. by tads73
Didn’t your mother teach you about wearing layers?
iandavid t1_iu31jxt wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Made this to send to people who ask me about Rhode Island by leilagotspazz
It probably doesn’t help that the article you linked conflates rotaries and roundabouts. There’s a difference.
It sounds like RIDOT actually wants to install a roundabout there, which is much safer than a rotary, and a much better idea.
iandavid t1_itwrc8m wrote
Reply to comment by 316714407 in Remember when RI spent millions on an MBTA station with no transit-oriented development or ridership base? by ToadScoper
It was further east of Rolfe Square but still off Park Ave, on a street that still bears the name “Station Street”. More info and photos on this page: https://sites.google.com/site/rhodeislandrailroads/home/east-providence-south/east-providence-north/pwb-route/main-line
iandavid t1_itw17o6 wrote
Reply to comment by TheSausageFattener in Remember when RI spent millions on an MBTA station with no transit-oriented development or ridership base? by ToadScoper
What’s interesting about TF Green station is that it’s just south of the old Hillsgrove station. So it almost counts as restoring a useful commuter station, except that being close to the airport meant that there was never much density there to begin with.
iandavid t1_itv962k wrote
Reply to comment by criesduringsex in Remember when RI spent millions on an MBTA station with no transit-oriented development or ridership base? by ToadScoper
For that matter, there were historically train stations in Auburn (Cranston), Apponaug (Warwick), and East Greenwich – all of which are still relatively dense, walkable areas that could easily support commuter service. But RIDOT opted to leapfrog all those communities in favor of building a station out in the woods of North Kingstown. It shows they wouldn’t understand good transportation policy even if it was barreling down on them at 79mph, horns blaring.
iandavid t1_iqu4fyp wrote
Reply to We need this! by PuzzleheadedTest1919
Well-maintained infrastructure costs money. Unfortunately we just lost a good chunk of our road maintenance budget in the truck tolling lawsuit. And folks in here were more worried about their own cars getting tolled—which isn’t likely to happen—than they were about the fact that RhodeWorks program now has an uncertain future. Shows where our priorities lie.
iandavid t1_j2uiqpi wrote
Reply to comment by jonelson80 in Do you guys drink the water from the facet ? by tryhardwhore
All NSF 53 filters will filter lead. Doesn’t matter the brand as long as it has that label on it.
Source: Providence Water told me this when I learned I had a lead service line. I’ve since gotten it replaced and lead levels now test at zero.