TIL that a famine in Persia (Iran) between 1917–1919 lead to the deaths of an estimated 2 million people. It's an event that hasn't been studied by many historians. en.wikipedia.org Submitted by icantthinkofaname940 t3_11ue5f7 on March 18, 2023 at 4:19 AM in todayilearned 36 comments 488
TIL that Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 21 crashed due to an explosion that has yet to be solved after 57 years. All 52 passengers and crew members died. en.wikipedia.org Submitted by icantthinkofaname940 t3_10nvyml on January 29, 2023 at 1:57 AM in todayilearned 7 comments 175
TIL that there are places in England and Wales called "The Thankful Villages" - Where no men from the village died in the First World War. There are 41 of these villages. historic-uk.com Submitted by icantthinkofaname940 t3_ys3z6p on November 11, 2022 at 7:19 AM in todayilearned No comments 2