Your experience is not the same for everyone. Mine was quite different. I was surrounded by peace and love. I had a group of beings surrounding me with a love and joy that I had never experienced on Earth. I just wanted to go with them. It was a euphoria that I can’t even describe. I heard people in the room say my name several times, but I just wanted to go go go. They kept trying to pull me back and I just kept trying to stay unconscious. When they finally woke me up, I was so very disappointed.
I really think that you were in hell. Hell is the absence of love. In my opinion the only way to “heaven” or the plane where the love is, is through Jesus. BUT there may be lots of other ways. I’m not saying that I have all the answers because obviously none of us really know much of anything. I think you might find some peace in some sort of religion. Do some research on different philosophies, if you haven’t already.
idiveindumpsters t1_j3a4tg0 wrote
Reply to comment by aesu in The Persistent Problem of Consciousness: an astronaut's epiphany by simsquatched
Your experience is not the same for everyone. Mine was quite different. I was surrounded by peace and love. I had a group of beings surrounding me with a love and joy that I had never experienced on Earth. I just wanted to go with them. It was a euphoria that I can’t even describe. I heard people in the room say my name several times, but I just wanted to go go go. They kept trying to pull me back and I just kept trying to stay unconscious. When they finally woke me up, I was so very disappointed.
I really think that you were in hell. Hell is the absence of love. In my opinion the only way to “heaven” or the plane where the love is, is through Jesus. BUT there may be lots of other ways. I’m not saying that I have all the answers because obviously none of us really know much of anything. I think you might find some peace in some sort of religion. Do some research on different philosophies, if you haven’t already.