Reading improved my spelling, grammar and my lexicon. So yeah, even if the content isn’t overtly educational you get benefits.
That being said, Sci-Fi and fantasy often deal with social subjects that writers would be criticized for if their book was was set in our world.
On of my favorite books is called Johnathan Seagull, no idea if it’s technically fantasy or philosophy but it blew my tiny mind in high school. Highly recommend.
ifyesthenno t1_j560k17 wrote
Reply to Greetings everyone! A lot of people say reading books is beneficial for you, though... by RaderH2O
Reading improved my spelling, grammar and my lexicon. So yeah, even if the content isn’t overtly educational you get benefits.
That being said, Sci-Fi and fantasy often deal with social subjects that writers would be criticized for if their book was was set in our world.
On of my favorite books is called Johnathan Seagull, no idea if it’s technically fantasy or philosophy but it blew my tiny mind in high school. Highly recommend.