ihateshadylandlords t1_isqym7d wrote
Reply to A new AI model can accurately predict human response to novel drug compounds by Dr_Singularity
> The journey between identifying a potential therapeutic compound and Food and Drug Administration approval of a new drug can take well over a decade and cost upward of a billion dollars. A research team at the CUNY Graduate Center has created an artificial intelligence model that could significantly improve the accuracy and reduce the time and cost of the drug development process.
I’m all for anything that can reduce the timeframe from drug/therapy creation to mass production. Excited to see where this goes.
!RemindMe 5 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_isqix18 wrote
Reply to comment by NoRip7374 in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
I’m not arguing value. I’m just saying no one knows when these mythical revolutionary products will actually be in production. Could be soon, could be decades.
ihateshadylandlords t1_ispftlq wrote
Reply to Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
Wake me up when companies either stop hiring programmers and/or lay programmers off en masse.
I don’t disagree that automation will eventually affect all job sectors. It’s just a matter of when it will happen though.
ihateshadylandlords t1_isp7rb9 wrote
Reply to How will fields like engineering, mathematics, medicine, and finance be changed by AI in the coming years? by pradej
I don’t things will change that much over the next 10 years. But I think a lot will change over the next 20 years. Automation is only going to increase as it becomes more affordable/practical for companies. Hopefully our politicians and business leaders are thinking about what’s on the horizon.
ihateshadylandlords t1_isfggsd wrote
Reply to Near/Distant future of humanity? by Weeb_Geek_7779
As far as where we are by 2099 is anyone’s guess. I hope we’ll have ASI by then. Depending on how well humanity is with ASI taking the reigns(and if the ASI is accessible for the masses), the singularity may have already occurred and the world may be unrecognizable from today’s world.
ihateshadylandlords t1_isd8o25 wrote
Reply to Some of the biggest holdups on elective biotech by crua9
That’s funny, I think doctors okaying the tech/battle testing will be the biggest hurdles to overcome.
ihateshadylandlords t1_isc45m6 wrote
Reply to I wonder how the would will interact with those of us who get eye implants/AR contacts by crua9
I think AR implants/contact lenses are at least 20 years away. Whenever they arrive, they’ll probably spam advertisements all day, so I there have to be good reasons for the average Joe to get AR contacts. The recording aspect is interesting, although that could be ripe for abuse i.e. hacking personal videos and/or creep shots.
ihateshadylandlords t1_isbjh0c wrote
Reply to ‘Near-limitless CRISPR therapies’: This drug delivery breakthrough helps gene editing technology infiltrate cells by Ezekiel_W
Excited to see what therapies come up over the next century.
!RemindMe 10 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_is8cq0y wrote
Reply to Would you be friends with a robot? by TheHamsterSandwich
Hell yeah I would. Having 12 beers at (and subsequently getting kicked out of) Chili’s would be way more fun with a Bender-like robot.
ihateshadylandlords t1_is1mu61 wrote
Reply to Battery tech breakthrough paves way for mass adoption of affordable electric car by Ezekiel_W
I think electric cars will be widespread like cell phones around 2030. We’ll see though…
!RemindMe 7 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_is1e96b wrote
About a year at this point, I think I came here from /r/futurology. Even though I think the sentiment is way too optimistic, I still think most discussions/posters here are great.
ihateshadylandlords t1_iry4ml3 wrote
I think it’ll be a long time before we merge our nervous system with AI, just because it will require a lot of research/advancements/testing in neuroscience/biomedical engineering.
!RemindMe 10 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_irxo1cc wrote
> In future studies, Siegwart and his team are hoping to find more ways to use this new CRISPR delivery technology, including in conjunction with existing therapies. “This study…demonstrated the ability to combine multiple therapeutic agents in one nanoparticle. Therefore, we would like to use this strategy for other tumors that have similar measures to their matrix barriers and try other diseases that also have physical barriers, like fibrosis models,” Siegwart said.
Interesting. Excited to see how this plays out.
!RemindMe 10 years.
ihateshadylandlords t1_irtz1ls wrote
Is there an ETA on when we’ll be able to use Imagen Video?
ihateshadylandlords t1_irrlumz wrote
Reply to The Mind / Body connection: Does Human-like consciousness rely on a physical form? by SageNineMusic
What exactly is consciousness though? I feel like it means different things for different people.
ihateshadylandlords t1_irgxvs5 wrote
Cool, it’ll be interesting to see what VR tech/games are available to the average consumer in 10 years.
!RemindMe 10 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_ircs6lt wrote
Reply to How concerned are you that global conflict will prevent the singularity from happening? by DreaminDemon177
I’m more concerned about AGI being restricted to corporations than I am global conflict impeding the singularity.
ihateshadylandlords t1_ircgn2e wrote
Reply to comment by iNstein in “Extrapolation of this model into the future leads to short AI timelines: ~75% chance of AGI by 2032” by Dr_Singularity
Good to know, thanks for the explanation.
ihateshadylandlords t1_irce7d9 wrote
I mean probably, but it’s not a big deal for 99.999% of the population anyway.
ihateshadylandlords t1_irbth00 wrote
Reply to comment by TFenrir in “Extrapolation of this model into the future leads to short AI timelines: ~75% chance of AGI by 2032” by Dr_Singularity
I’m not tech savvy at all, I didn’t know there was a difference between API and GPT3. But yeah, that’s why I’m not as hyped as a lot of people on here whenever AGI is created. It’s not like we’ll be able to use it (unless someone creates an open source version of it).
ihateshadylandlords t1_irbhzbm wrote
Reply to comment by TFenrir in “Extrapolation of this model into the future leads to short AI timelines: ~75% chance of AGI by 2032” by Dr_Singularity
By proof of concept, I meant that it was something that they’ve disclosed they have, but aren’t making it publicly available for whatever reason.
If the AGI model can be applied to programs that the public can use (like GPT3), then that would be great.
ihateshadylandlords t1_irbfc59 wrote
Reply to “Extrapolation of this model into the future leads to short AI timelines: ~75% chance of AGI by 2032” by Dr_Singularity
Do you all think it be in the hands of a few or still in the proof of concept stage by 2032? Or do you think it will be publicly available to the average person by 2032?
ihateshadylandlords t1_irb98wx wrote
Reply to We are in the midst of the biggest technological revolution in history and people have no idea by DriftingKing
Couldn’t every generation say the same thing though? Humanity was in the biggest technological revolution at the time when we learned to walk upright, then again when we made fire, then again when we learned to farm etc.
The revolutions are getting bigger and faster no doubt, but we’re always in the biggest technological revolution to date.
ihateshadylandlords t1_ir7vh08 wrote
It’s interesting. What I’m curious about is how long until the public takes notice and understands the implications.
ihateshadylandlords t1_isvo0lm wrote
Reply to comment by kmtrp in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
Those are just papers, I don’t think there’s any correlation between papers and deployment of products.