ihateshadylandlords t1_j74x1gi wrote
Reply to comment by ttylyl in Future of The Lower and Middle Class Post-Singularity, and Why You Should Worry. by ttylyl
The issue is companies having the AI, but no one wanting to buy the products and services from said AI. People need income to buy the products and services generated by these AI companies. They can decide they don’t need the people, but then who will need their services at that point?
ihateshadylandlords t1_j74uwm6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Future of The Lower and Middle Class Post-Singularity, and Why You Should Worry. by ttylyl
Thinking a company can exist without money is…laughably wrong, at best. AGI is a tool, it’s not a genie that can create something out of nothing.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j74ukn2 wrote
Reply to comment by ttylyl in Future of The Lower and Middle Class Post-Singularity, and Why You Should Worry. by ttylyl
What good is owning the means of production if you have no customers? Companies exist to maximize shareholder value. Owning a bunch of inventory that no one can buy doesn’t do anything for shareholders.
Also even if a company gets too powerful, they’ll just nationalize it or break it up like they did with Standard Oil.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j73k7rb wrote
Reply to comment by ttylyl in Future of The Lower and Middle Class Post-Singularity, and Why You Should Worry. by ttylyl
You also have to consider that if the masses don’t have money to buy products, then the companies won’t have money either. If companies have no money, then they’ll go down too. Not to mention they won’t be able to buy off politicians if consumers don’t have money to buy anything.
Plus if we get to the point where we can make AGI and/or ASI, that might be used to replace executives and politicians.The elites are distanced from AI and the potential problems, but I don’t think they’re immune from it.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j73jf21 wrote
Reply to OpenAI To Launch ChatGPT App Soon by vadhavaniyafaijan
They’re doing everything they can to stick it to Google.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j6itdj0 wrote
Cops, paramedics, firefighters, face-to-face sex workers, physical/massage/mental/occupational therapists, k-12 teachers, daycare teachers, doctors, surgeons, construction workers, tradesmen, nurses and nursing assistants will be the last to go in my opinion.
I’m sure I can think of more, but that’s off the top of my head.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j6iioib wrote
Reply to Parsel: A (De-)compositional Framework for Algorithmic Reasoning with Language Models - Stanford University Eric Zelikman et al - Beats prior code generation sota by over 75%! by Singularian2501
I asked GPTCHAT to make the summary in layman’s terms, because I couldn’t understand the abstract:
Parsel is a tool that helps computer programs called large language models (LLMs) better solve complex tasks. Normally, these LLMs have trouble with tasks that require multiple steps, like creating complicated programs. Parsel helps the LLMs by taking descriptions of the task in everyday language and turning it into code that the LLMs can understand. This makes the LLMs better at solving tasks like creating programs, planning for robots, and proving theories. Tests show that using Parsel leads to better results and more accurate answers compared to other methods. Parsel may also be helpful for human programmers in the future.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j68ksgl wrote
Reply to comment by Milkstrietmen in Nanofabricators, a needed technology for a post-scarcity world. by Rezeno56
Nope. Probably won’t be ready in the next 15 years either.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j5lf1d6 wrote
Get my UBI bucks, because blue collar jobs alone aren’t enough to sustain our current economic system. If all white collar work is automated, those employees get let go, they’re not spending money, all businesses receive less money, then they have to let people go and now we’re in a quagmire where so much is automated but no one has disposable income.
That’s not a win for anyone. The real shot callers in America have their wealth primarily from equity ownership. If no one’s purchasing products/services, then they’ll have very little power since their wealth is tied to consumers buying products/services from the companies they own.
I don’t see how else we can bridge the gap from our current economic system to a post scarcity/highly automated economic system without UBI.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j5jm281 wrote
Reply to University of Toronto researchers used AI to discover a potential new cancer drug — in less than a month by BigShoots
>Insilico said it’s currently not interested in pursuing clinical trials for the potential drug; it’ll leave that for other researchers to follow now that the molecule has been publicly identified. Instead, the main purpose of the study was to serve as a “proof of concept” of what is now possible with AI, said Alán Aspuru-Guzik, a professor of computer science and chemistry at U of T, director of the Acceleration Consortium and the co-principal investigator who led the study.
So there won’t be any follow up with this drug.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j55u471 wrote
Reply to AGI by 2024, the hard part is now done ? by flowday
I hope so, only time will tell…
!RemindMe 2 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_j4y6ehf wrote
Reply to OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
I think a lot of people are overthinking Sam’s actions/words because they want AGI as soon as possible. Just try to live your life as if AGI will never come, because there’s no guarantee it will.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j48sje3 wrote
Cool, hope this leads to big things.
!RemindMe 5 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_j46r2iz wrote
Reply to Realistic humanoid robotic arm that uses artificial muscles has full range of motion and can lift a dumbbell by HumanSeeing
One step closer to rub and tug supermodel androids practical robotics!
FYI this was also posted a year ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/qcaznm/this_is_not_the_product_of_a_big_corporation_he/
ihateshadylandlords t1_j2lgdbx wrote
>By the end of 2023, it’s likely that one of these ideas will be shown to work in humans.
That would be amazing.
!RemindMe 1 year
ihateshadylandlords t1_j2fs8gc wrote
ihateshadylandlords t1_j27510v wrote
Reply to comment by AylaDoesntLikeYou in Spray-on smart skin uses AI to rapidly understand hand tasks by AylaDoesntLikeYou
One step closer to rub and tug catgirl androids practical robots!
ihateshadylandlords t1_j23nkee wrote
We have no idea. We don’t know enough about the brain and BCI’s haven’t come far enough to answer that question.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j21n6e0 wrote
Reply to comment by Smellz_Of_Elderberry in LifT Bioscience - Cure for Cancer by Homie4-2-0
I hope you do too bud 🙏
ihateshadylandlords t1_j1zri77 wrote
Reply to comment by Phoenix5869 in LifT Bioscience - Cure for Cancer by Homie4-2-0
!RemindMe 5 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_j1z0sr4 wrote
Reply to Med-PaLM — a large language model aligned to the medical domain to generate safe and helpful answers (Google Research, DeepMind) by nick7566
>While the answers provided by Med-PaLM show encouraging improvement, they still fall short of those provided by clinicians overall. This suggests that further research is needed before these models can be considered viable for clinical applications
Excited for whenever that happens.
!RemindMe 5 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_j1urfol wrote
Reply to Considering the recent advancements in AI, is it possible to achieve full-dive in the next 5-10 years? by Burlito2
I don’t think FDVR will be a thing within the next decade. We have so much to learn about neuroscience. Plus unless we find a way to have fully functional non-invasive BCI, no medical board will sign off on having your skull cut open so you can experience high quality VR.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j1s2rdt wrote
Reply to comment by Neurogence in Sam Altman Confirms GPT 4 release in 2023 by Neurogence
>Does it look like I give AF
Clearly you do. Now get that dictionary.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j1s0zwx wrote
Reply to comment by Neurogence in Sam Altman Confirms GPT 4 release in 2023 by Neurogence
lol now you’re trying to save face. Just take your L and pick up a dictionary.
ihateshadylandlords t1_j76y8v7 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Future of The Lower and Middle Class Post-Singularity, and Why You Should Worry. by ttylyl
Companies still need money to function though. Wages/salaries aren’t the only expenses a company incurs.