ihateshadylandlords t1_iurh0mo wrote
Reply to comment by gangstasadvocate in Scientists Increasingly Can’t Explain How AI Works - AI researchers are warning developers to focus more on how and why a system produces certain results than the fact that the system can accurately and rapidly produce them. by Kujo17
I don’t think so. Technology that’s available for the masses isn’t moving any faster day-to-day for the average person. To each their own though.
ihateshadylandlords t1_iurej42 wrote
Reply to Robots That Write Their Own Code by kegzilla
Cool, I’m excited to see how this impacts robotics down the road.
!RemindMe 5 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_iurblnq wrote
> "The ESM Metagenomic Atlas will enable scientists to search and analyze the structures of metagenomic proteins at the scale of hundreds of millions of proteins," the Meta research team wrote on Tuesday. "This can help researchers to identify structures that have not been characterized before, search for distant evolutionary relationships, and discover new proteins that can be useful in medicine and other applications."
Very cool, excited to see where this goes.
!RemindMe 5 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_iuqtpio wrote
Reply to Nanowire Synapses 30,000x Faster Than the Human Brain have been created for the first time. by AylaDoesntLikeYou
Very cool, would love to see where this goes.
!RemindMe 6 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_iujclm0 wrote
Reply to Giant farming robot uses 3D vision and robotic arms to harvest ripe strawberries by Anen-o-me
Very glad to see this in production, although some migrant farm workers may not be happy to see it.
ihateshadylandlords t1_iu1ghx5 wrote
Reply to Amplitude and frequency modulation of subthalamic beta oscillations jointly encode the dopaminergic state in Parkinson’s disease [Brain like a Radio, AM and FM waves from neurons] by matmanalog
What are the implications of this?
ihateshadylandlords t1_iu1dutf wrote
Reply to comment by challengethegods in How far are we from being able to clone a singers voice? by HelloGoodbyeFriend
lol if you say so
ihateshadylandlords t1_itt69o7 wrote
Reply to Here's the breakthrough that (I think) is going to enable the auditory portion of full dive VR, plus a mechanism "telepathic" communication of audio information, etc (not to mention facilitating a hearing fix for hundreds of millions!) by PandaCommando69
Cool, excited to see what comes from this.
!RemindMe 10 years
ihateshadylandlords t1_itt3hij wrote
>Everyone should be able to enjoy the benefits oF AI.
My cynical side says whoever creates an AI/ASI won’t want to share their moneymaker with anyone.
ihateshadylandlords t1_its36z2 wrote
ihateshadylandlords t1_itr90pg wrote
Reply to comment by TopicRepulsive7936 in It's important to keep in mind that the singularity could create heaven on Earth for us. *Or* literal hell. Human priorities are the determining factor. by Pepperstache
A lot of people said/believed prophecies that never came to fruition. It’s important to keep an open mind about the possibility of it, but not treat it as a binary event that’s guaranteed to happen/never happen.
ihateshadylandlords t1_itqqmib wrote
Reply to It's important to keep in mind that the singularity could create heaven on Earth for us. *Or* literal hell. Human priorities are the determining factor. by Pepperstache
It’s also important to keep in mind that the singularity/AGI/ASI etc. may not happen in our lifetimes and may never happen.
ihateshadylandlords t1_itq5wqr wrote
Reply to comment by techhouseliving in How far are we from being able to clone a singers voice? by HelloGoodbyeFriend
I hope you’re right…
ihateshadylandlords t1_itp1aj1 wrote
Continue to develop yourself, professionally, physically, spiritually, emotionally etc. We may reach a point where AI causes a huge spike in unemployment/efficiency. But there’s no guarantee that will happen. So improve yourself as if the singularity won’t happen, because it may not happen in our lifetimes or at all.
ihateshadylandlords t1_ito6ave wrote
Reply to Is anything better than FTL as a future? by ribblle
What is FTL? OP never explained what it is.
ihateshadylandlords t1_ito65i7 wrote
I’m thinking a product that’s available for the masses will be available in 10 years. I wouldn’t be surprised if a proof-of-concept product hasn’t already been created.
ihateshadylandlords t1_it970iz wrote
Reply to U-PaLM 540B by xutw21
One baby step closer towards AGI…
ihateshadylandlords t1_it8bxuu wrote
Reply to Thoughts on Job Loss Due to Automation by Redvolition
Gonna be real interesting to see how businesses thrive when a large swath of the population can’t afford anything and/or when CEO’s start getting automated.
ihateshadylandlords t1_it7n25p wrote
Reply to comment by valdanylchuk in If you believe you can think exponentially, you might be wrong. Transformative AI is here, and it is going to radically change the world before the Singularity, and before AGI. by AdditionalPizza
That’s a very good point. Everyone’s talking about lower level workers being automated, yet no one’s really talking about replacing the shot callers of the world.
ihateshadylandlords t1_it7lig3 wrote
Reply to comment by Kawawaymog in Thoughts on Full Dive - Are we in one right now? by fignewtgingrich
That sounds similar to the Law of One/Seth Material/Journey of Souls etc. I visit some far out subreddits and some people in those places have that theory as well.
ihateshadylandlords t1_it7l2eh wrote
Reply to comment by 175ParkAvenue in Thoughts on Full Dive - Are we in one right now? by fignewtgingrich
What makes you think it’s likely we’re in a simulation?
ihateshadylandlords t1_it3ki3m wrote
Reply to comment by Powerful_Range_4270 in Since Humans Need Not Apply video there has not much been videos which supports CGP Grey's claim by RavenWolf1
ihateshadylandlords t1_iszlg9y wrote
Reply to Since Humans Need Not Apply video there has not much been videos which supports CGP Grey's claim by RavenWolf1
That video is eight years old, talks about self driving cars and even with exponential progress, we STILL don’t have that for the masses. That’s why I have my tagline and it’s probably why AI isn’t on the average person’s radar yet.
ihateshadylandlords t1_isvsw22 wrote
Reply to comment by kmtrp in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
Answer what, if I’ve seen Codex? I’m not a software engineer or a programmer, so I have no reason to interact with it. Also are models being pumped into production? To me, there’s a gulf between proof of concept and mass production.
ihateshadylandlords t1_iv29438 wrote
Reply to How do you think an ASI might manifest? by SirDidymus
I think it’ll manifest as a non-sentient computer program in the lab of DeepMind, OpenAI, Google etc. I don’t see why companies would try to create a sentient ASI as it could think for itself and possibly have its own motivations.
From there, I see the executives using the program to make them more money. How they make more money, I have no idea. But I guess that’s for the ASI to decide…