ill_Skillz t1_ivjttoq wrote
Reply to comment by fish_whisperer in TIL: That in 2019, some criminals were caught and 36 BTC was confiscated. The authorities valued the worth at €127,000 at the time and was sold 2 years later for €1.5 million. The criminals were returned €1.3 million due to the fact that the amount was expressed in Swedish Krona, not BTC by Wendals87
Yo that money was guilty AF. You see the way it looks at you all side-eyed, you know it's up to something.
ill_Skillz t1_ir6wilb wrote
Reply to comment by samcrut in Attack of the pizza-making robots by Gari_305
Not really stupid, more nefarious. McD corp makes money from the arrangement with the machine manufacturer, at the cost of the franchisees.
ill_Skillz t1_j9bk3cm wrote
Reply to comment by alabasterwilliams in The Tadpole galaxy by Hubble, Its eye-catching tail is about 280,000 light-years long. Also known as UGC 10214 and Arp 188, it is a disrupted barred spiral galaxy located 420 million light-years from Earth in the northern constellation Draco. Credit Image: NASA/ESA/HST/STScI. by Davicho77
One of these days, Alice. Bang, zoom... straight to the moon!