im_a_dick_head t1_it16zkg wrote
Reply to comment by not-so-radical in Netflix officially announces second season for it's global-charting hit, Heartbreak High by rambledetamble
Yeah I didn't understand a few things but they didn't seem important enough to need to Google lol
im_a_dick_head t1_it1646u wrote
Reply to comment by not-so-radical in Netflix officially announces second season for it's global-charting hit, Heartbreak High by rambledetamble
I had to Google "eshay" to understand this comment
im_a_dick_head t1_it15tya wrote
Reply to comment by Herramadur in Netflix officially announces second season for it's global-charting hit, Heartbreak High by rambledetamble
Yeah I literally didn't know it came out until I saw someone comment about it here. It wasn't on the front page, trending, or top 10 in the US.
im_a_dick_head t1_it15par wrote
Reply to comment by meatball77 in Netflix officially announces second season for it's global-charting hit, Heartbreak High by rambledetamble
Very Sex Education
im_a_dick_head t1_is75ixq wrote
NCIS, I watched all 19 seasons and quit before season 20 started. And no it wasn't because Gibbs left. I dropped that show for NCIS Hawaii lol
im_a_dick_head t1_iqs5a48 wrote
Reply to comment by MurielHorseflesh in Netflix's silence on renewing Sandman is a travesty by gotellauntrhodie
I don't get why Netflix doesn't make some lower budget shows without crazy effects and famous actors. I like procedurals and stuff but Netflix doesn't have/make many of them, I go to Hulu/Peacock for that stuff. I'm mainly talking about shows like first responder procedurals or even medical shows, they don't make those they just take them from other networks.
im_a_dick_head t1_it41gp7 wrote
Reply to comment by HandLion in ‘The Peripheral’ Is a Grim Vision of the Future From ‘Westworld’s’ Creators: TV Review by TheUtopianCat
Critic reviews can kindly fuck off, 90% of the time they are not at all similar to the actual audiences reception of it. I've loved many shows with dog shit scores from RT, IMDB, etc.