imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9yboht wrote
Reply to comment by DarthMauly in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
I see what you’re saying. So I probably marked it lost and then I guess that’s why it showed back up. Someone turned it on maybe? I wonder why they couldn’t explain that to me. Thank you so much for the clarification. That makes sense then of why it showed up under my account.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9yb5zp wrote
It was so long ago. I can say for sure that I had two professionals advise me and go through the account. One at apple and one at Verizon. I did everything they said to do. I remember doing my own research back then to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Can’t recall the exact phrasing but I did all the things they said to do.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9yanb4 wrote
Reply to comment by DarthMauly in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
To clarify, Apple took care of it 8 years ago. I went to them when it happened. It wasn’t just in find my friends. That was just something i noticed and tried to see if i could still see it. The phone was in the Apple ID where it shows your devices and then it shows the devices have access to your account. It hadn’t been there in 8 years and then randomly reappeared. So that was why I was concerned. But yeah, I didn’t do it all that time ago. Apple and the phone company were providing guidance and service and did it. But in 8 years, that phone hasn’t showed up as one of my devices. So it was really weird. It should be removed permanently but I’ll keep an eye.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9wq45c wrote
Reply to comment by ktappe in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
Thank you. I wonder if I should call again and ask for an expert of some sort. It felt like I knew more than she did on some points.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9wpt3j wrote
Reply to comment by Kilobytez95 in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
I called and we erased it again and they said nobody will ever be able to use it again. But that’s what they said 8 years ago. I kept asking to make sure over and over and she swore it was all erased. So hopefully she is right.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9wnhcx wrote
Reply to comment by JoshTylerClarke in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
That’s makes more sense than anything they told me today. t least if that’s the case, I took care of it very quickly. Thank you for letting me know.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9wn8eh wrote
Reply to comment by Kilobytez95 in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
I thought that too. That’s why I was so surprised to see it in my list. I really hope this doesn’t come back to bite me. I followed everything they said to do, both times. Hopefully it’s just a weird fluke.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9wmhgi wrote
Reply to comment by thetitanscurseee in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
I also wonder.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9v2d7s wrote
Reply to comment by AstronautMindless873 in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
Thank you. Yeah, I did all I can both times. Whatever happens, happens and I’ll handle it. I actually forgot about it til today. Hahaha. So I will forget again.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9v0cim wrote
Reply to comment by AstronautMindless873 in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
It was locked but when I looked at it from the list of phones on my AppleID, it said that phone can get Apple ID verification codes. When it was stolen, I had apple help me remove it from my account. So I don't know what happened.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9uzy97 wrote
Reply to comment by marshull in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
I asked them about this and they said no. But it seems like the only thing that makes sense. Unless someone just bought a used Iphone 6s and just tried to turn it on? I'm not sure. I posted a more detailed update above.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9u6r4m wrote
Reply to comment by corecenite in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
Thank you for the warning. I’m talking to apple now. It’s so weird this happened 8 years later almost to the date of when I was robbed.
imcaptainsunshine OP t1_j9ycxux wrote
Reply to comment by DarthMauly in My phone was stolen 8 years ago and just showed up on my account. by imcaptainsunshine
Thank you again for explaining it. I feel a lot better having more of an understanding of what happened. I knew it wasn’t magic. Hahaha.