impy695 t1_j1hyfce wrote
Reply to comment by CSI_Tech_Dept in Multiple People Injured - One Killed in 50-pileup crash on Ohio Turnpike by Chasingwawaterfalls
I'm 35 and have never gotten into an accident because I always expect other cars to act in unexpected ways as it (hopefully) allows you to avoid collisions that wouldn't be your fault. That goes all out the window in storms like this. It doesn't matter how careful you are, or how much you pay attention, there is no planning for how fast things can turn sideways and all the ways it can happen.
impy695 t1_iycg6jq wrote
Reply to comment by Elcactus in Rainbow flag pitch invader released but banned from rest of World Cup by 420ipblood
North Korea will gladly imprison westerners for benign stuff and even killed one of them. Now, Qatar isn't North Korea, but if North Korea tortures and kills and American for stealing a poster, sending this guy to prison for a very long time doesn't seem far fetched. If all eyes weren't on them right now, I bet he'd be in a living hell.
impy695 t1_iycfw8e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Rainbow flag pitch invader released but banned from rest of World Cup by 420ipblood
Like they'd survive in prison for long enough to do that
impy695 t1_ixwbat1 wrote
Reply to comment by Dzugavili in Brain cancer vaccine succeeds at prolonging survival in Phase 3 trial by Sorin61
Interesting, how would it work with thr placebo effect? Or is it something you use in separate trials for the same drug that way only some trials have a placebo group?
impy695 t1_ixw797b wrote
Reply to comment by The-Fox-Says in Brain cancer vaccine succeeds at prolonging survival in Phase 3 trial by Sorin61
Would you be willing to explain what a synthetic control arm is and why are they better? I've never heard the term before.
impy695 t1_ixjn51a wrote
Reply to comment by PokemonSapphire in Georgia Supreme Court Allows Early Voting on Saturday, Nov. 26 for Senate Runoff by MarcEElias
It wouldn't be the first time they've done it. Their messaging about not trusting elections probably caused a lot of Republicans to not vote (just speculation).
I also read a report that looked at expected political affiliation and death rates of covid by population and there was a bug enough gap in the right states that it could have given trump the win.
impy695 t1_ixjlkpz wrote
Reply to comment by PokemonSapphire in Georgia Supreme Court Allows Early Voting on Saturday, Nov. 26 for Senate Runoff by MarcEElias
The election is always rigged, when they win, it was rigged because it should have been a blow out. Both Trump and Bolsonaro made comments like that the last time they each won.
impy695 t1_irxghva wrote
Reply to comment by skedeebs in Scientists have developed a low-cost small device (15x20cm) that can harness energy from wind as gentle as a light breeze and store it as electricity. With wind at 2 m/s the device can produce 3 volts and generate power of up to 290 microwatts (sufficient to power a commercial sensor) by giuliomagnifico
> harvesting water from ambient humidity
Has there been any major advancements in this area? Everything I've seen has been dehumidifiers under a different name or were new tech with such a poor output that it's not worth it.
impy695 t1_j1i0112 wrote
Reply to comment by MessiahPrinny in Judge kept FTX execs’ plea deals secret to get founder to US by grab-n-g0
Eh, the guy's a fraud and asshole, but he'd probably pretty smart. You don't build a company as large as he did, even with fraud without being pretty smart. And he probably would have gotten away with it for a lot longer if he wasn't so damn greedy.