
informativebitching t1_j5tmrk8 wrote

What is the 85th percentile equal to for recurrence interval? What makes it infeasible? Subsurface conditions only or combination of the site being hemmed in and subsurface conditions? Ever discover a new fault while investigating the subsurface?


informativebitching t1_j213d23 wrote

Sure but all we’re trying to do is use less than reverse osmosis. I’m guessing it could be made more efficient by pumping so colder deep water up around the enclosure (like how those disappearing toy baby bottles work kind of) like how wastewater solids digestion is goosed by adding the FOGs captured at grease traps.


informativebitching t1_j0c2t11 wrote

Schools already are the ready made aquarium for passing stuff around. One kid gives it to 5 in a single day. Then those kids go home and the other kids go to their school and so on. That’s with normal transmission during seasonal fluxes. Our daycare went through multiple rounds of viruses in June and July which was shortly after masks were dropped. Capped off by a second round of COVID in August (first go round was January). So it was Avery rapid set of punches and all offseason.