informativebitching t1_iz70b9m wrote
Reply to comment by Troll_For_Truth in An essay on The Harlan County War by BonesOfTheWaywardSon
My dad was born there too in the 40’s. Around 49 my grandfather moved the family to quiet valley near Abington while he stayed behind to work. Coal is all he knew. He was a mean mf. I always suspected he moved them out of there to stay clear of the danger.
informativebitching t1_iyphabe wrote
Reply to comment by Aselleus in Woman’s name and tiny sketches found in 1,300-year-old medieval text | Old English name, Eadburg, repeatedly scored into manuscript had remained hidden for more than 12 centuries by ArtOak
Also this…1/5 of a human hair thick indentations from a dry stylus…seems more like someone was doodling on a paper sitting on top of the book they were supposed to be reading. Why would you write something at all that can’t be detected without 21st century technology? No offense to these pros but their conclusions seem ridiculous
informativebitching t1_ixyr111 wrote
Reply to Pompeii by Robert Harris will appeal to people interested in water resources, engineering and city infrastructure by boxer_dogs_dance
Well now if that isn’t just my profession and hobby rolled into a book.
informativebitching t1_ixuuy14 wrote
Reply to comment by Ditovontease in Strip Club Scene by MysteriouScan6405
NC is just as close. Most are near the airport.
informativebitching t1_ivvj6tb wrote
Reply to comment by MpVpRb in Ok to run dryer pipe through 2x6 studs? by the_other_sam
Would a ‘header’ work? Just, you know, one down low?
informativebitching t1_iu4pzpw wrote
Reply to comment by phil_style in Ancient City of Magdala Unearthed Near Tiberias, Israel by GullyShotta
Would be telling to know more about the person or people who wrote up that little bit. “Jesus is everywhere especially on this coin”.
informativebitching t1_ittc8vt wrote
Reply to comment by yourSAS in NASA announces its unidentified aerial phenomena - A 16-people team — including an astronaut, a space-treaty drafter, a boxer, and several astrobiologists — will soon begin its review of unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP) for NASA research team to examine mysterious sightings. by yourSAS
Because boxers weave and bob like some space ships do
informativebitching t1_irfmion wrote
Reply to comment by Igoka in Did the first crusade impact significantly the war-making capacity of states like england, west and east francia? And did later crusades impose equal burdens, or was the distribution of this burden different for the 2nd and 3rd crusades? by Qazwereira
Could be an interesting lens with which to view history being made.
informativebitching t1_irama4a wrote
Reply to Danse Macabre (by me) by dreckqin
Great album by The Faint
informativebitching t1_iz73urz wrote
Reply to comment by Troll_For_Truth in An essay on The Harlan County War by BonesOfTheWaywardSon
My feeling was granddad moved camps a lot from fighting so much but I’m not 100% sure. We do have a photo from Black Wolf WV when my dad was about 1 year old. I only have one living uncle who could answer this stuff so I better get to asking.