insaneintheblain t1_j1j8q2w wrote
Do you drink milk, and is it pastorized milk?
insaneintheblain t1_j0zknec wrote
Reply to Research finds people who are married have a lower risk of developing dementia after the age of 70 than those who are unmarried or divorced. Previous studies suggest that being married later in life protects against dementia, and that being single in old age increases the risk of dementia by Wagamaga
"If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company." - Jean-Paul Sartre
insaneintheblain t1_j0zkj9v wrote
Reply to comment by _Blackstar in Research finds people who are married have a lower risk of developing dementia after the age of 70 than those who are unmarried or divorced. Previous studies suggest that being married later in life protects against dementia, and that being single in old age increases the risk of dementia by Wagamaga
Both my parents are widowed
insaneintheblain t1_j0ao2bn wrote
Reply to comment by TheElderFish in Nearly 1 in 10 young people experience physical pain and suicidality by thebelsnickle1991
> The data came from more than 8,000 adolescents between the ages of 11 and 15 years across the UK who took part in the My Resilience in Adolescence (MYRIAD) trial
Which part do you disagree with?
insaneintheblain t1_j0a5gzb wrote
Here is a thought - maybe it's just the one's who wished to take part in the study
insaneintheblain t1_iyq7zg3 wrote
Reply to comment by Crazocrates in Studies have shown that individuals with excessive smartphone use behaviors may exhibit reduced gray matter volume anterior cingulate cortex, altered functional connectivity and changes in activity in various parts of the cortex during processing of emotions. by OpenlyFallible
We live in a period of unprecedented peace - because those who would otherwise be following this or that faction into war for whatever idea seemed like a good idea at the time - are busy arguing on the internet instead.
insaneintheblain t1_iyq7tl6 wrote
Reply to comment by randomizeme1234 in Studies have shown that individuals with excessive smartphone use behaviors may exhibit reduced gray matter volume anterior cingulate cortex, altered functional connectivity and changes in activity in various parts of the cortex during processing of emotions. by OpenlyFallible
How would you know?
insaneintheblain t1_iyq7s59 wrote
Reply to comment by Exact-Permission5319 in Studies have shown that individuals with excessive smartphone use behaviors may exhibit reduced gray matter volume anterior cingulate cortex, altered functional connectivity and changes in activity in various parts of the cortex during processing of emotions. by OpenlyFallible
>Bit by bit, our agency is being taken away, and we aren't really even aware of it
>“Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” - George Orwell, 1984
insaneintheblain t1_iymd3vo wrote
Reply to comment by m-in in A new study based on 22 FOI requests of over 11,000 pages found that Coca-Cola exerts direct influence on academic institutions and organizations that convene major public health conferences and events, and makes payments directly to speakers and researchers conditional on media interviews. by Meatrition
Information is everywhere - the ability to parse it constructively is rare in individuals
“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” ― Jean Baudrillard
insaneintheblain t1_iym0xeb wrote
Reply to comment by SilverMedal4Life in A new study based on 22 FOI requests of over 11,000 pages found that Coca-Cola exerts direct influence on academic institutions and organizations that convene major public health conferences and events, and makes payments directly to speakers and researchers conditional on media interviews. by Meatrition
It's just a matter of developing one's own discernment
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” - Richard Feynman
insaneintheblain t1_iylm1di wrote
Reply to comment by Sawses in A new study based on 22 FOI requests of over 11,000 pages found that Coca-Cola exerts direct influence on academic institutions and organizations that convene major public health conferences and events, and makes payments directly to speakers and researchers conditional on media interviews. by Meatrition
Having a scientific mindset doesn’t mean a person has to think about everything - it means a person can choose which things they wish to think about.
insaneintheblain t1_iylffby wrote
Reply to comment by Smooth_Imagination in A new study based on 22 FOI requests of over 11,000 pages found that Coca-Cola exerts direct influence on academic institutions and organizations that convene major public health conferences and events, and makes payments directly to speakers and researchers conditional on media interviews. by Meatrition
The only solution is for the individual to take on a scientific mindset of their own - but people are complacent and allow their reality to be dictated to them.
insaneintheblain t1_iycrdp9 wrote
Reply to comment by EnvironmentalFly3507 in Being Alive (2018) - An ageing philosopher returns to the essential question: What is the point of it all? [00:18:12] by quellerand
It's those things for the people who value those things and don't question or refine their values in life.
insaneintheblain t1_iycrae1 wrote
Reply to comment by Lou_B1oom in Being Alive (2018) - An ageing philosopher returns to the essential question: What is the point of it all? [00:18:12] by quellerand
Life is only meaningless while you believe it is.
insaneintheblain t1_iyc2q5u wrote
Pretty sure it's the other way around
insaneintheblain t1_ixkfh00 wrote
Reply to comment by unswsydney in UNSW Researchers have harnessed CRISPR technology to show how the motor that propels bacteria is also used to self-repair them when their motility is impaired. by unswsydney
Are you the UNSW science social media content manager OP? That would be a great job :)
insaneintheblain t1_iw0x6fw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Scientists show for the 1st time that monkeys that are more sociable – eg, grooming or being groomed more often, & with more grooming partners – have a healthier gut microbiome.This is further evidence that in primates, social connectedness translates into good physical & mental health, & vice versa by MistWeaver80
From the article
> Social connections are essential for good health and wellbeing in social animals, such as ourselves and other primates. There is also increasing evidence that the gut microbiome – through the so-called ‘gut-brain axis’ – plays a key role in our physical and mental health
insaneintheblain t1_iw0e5fk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Scientists show for the 1st time that monkeys that are more sociable – eg, grooming or being groomed more often, & with more grooming partners – have a healthier gut microbiome.This is further evidence that in primates, social connectedness translates into good physical & mental health, & vice versa by MistWeaver80
All titles are editorialized
insaneintheblain t1_iv8c9a2 wrote
Reply to comment by Tapprunner in New estimate of global number of rangers at 286,000: 'the global ranger workforce is outnumbered by employees working at golf courses and country clubs in the United States (380,000) and by employees in the UK hair and beauty industry (288,000)'. Nature Sustainability. by LazyG
It's just highlighting what society thinks is important
insaneintheblain t1_iuthi3o wrote
Reply to comment by tastyToasterStreudal in Mothers who spend more time on social media sites about motherhood experience higher stress hormone levels, study finds by chrisdh79
They just discover many more things to lose their mind over, things they wouldn’t have otherwise thought about.
Edit: how does one ever grammar.
insaneintheblain t1_iuthcx3 wrote
Reply to Mothers who spend more time on social media sites about motherhood experience higher stress hormone levels, study finds by chrisdh79
There is probably a high correlation between this and divorces tbh. Hard to measure.
insaneintheblain t1_iuhha7m wrote
Reply to comment by cramduck in Conscious Reality Is Only a Memory of Unconscious Actions, Scientists Propose In Radical New Theory by mossadnik
Yes we lie to ourselves constantly
insaneintheblain t1_iuhh815 wrote
Reply to comment by shukufuku in Conscious Reality Is Only a Memory of Unconscious Actions, Scientists Propose In Radical New Theory by mossadnik
You see things through the lens of useful not-useful - but this is a conditioned way of seeing things.
insaneintheblain t1_iuhgvcm wrote
Reply to Conscious Reality Is Only a Memory of Unconscious Actions, Scientists Propose In Radical New Theory by mossadnik
We are perceiving our perception of reality, at any given moment. We see the world through a tangle of preconceptions, complexes, and learned conditioning.
"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.” - William Blake
Most people are stuck in the proverbial cavern.
insaneintheblain t1_j1j8ytz wrote
Reply to comment by cushd13 in It's Christmas Eve and I'm an ordained pastor. Ask me anything! by revanon
"The world is kept alive only by heretics: the heretic Christ, the heretic Copernicus, the heretic Tolstoy. Our symbol of faith is heresy"
- Yevgeny Zamyatin