
insaneintheblain t1_iu1qpka wrote

Dreams are a clue to underlying psychological happenings - you don't want to alter these, they are an attempt by the subconscious to make something known to the conscious mind. Pay attention to your dreams - the good and the bad.


insaneintheblain t1_it0kqti wrote

Definitely, and knowledge accumulation is important to be a specialist in a field, but this approach doesn’t offer the full experience.

It’s like giving a man fish rather than teaching him how to fish for himself - it’s something that is lacking in education generally.


insaneintheblain t1_iqoz54q wrote

A lot of history is traditionally passed down orally, and often through the use of symbols signifying universal truths. When oral tradition is interrupted (for example when all your elders die of mysterious causes, or when all your children are sent to factory/reconditioning schools) then history must be re-discovered through archeology - an imperfect method of piecing together clues to reconstruct a best guess for what might’ve happened.