
invisiblearchives t1_jbxyx5l wrote

15 north to 81 isn't incredibly scenic, just some normal rustic woodlands. Standard PA stuff. Probably still prettier than going anywhere near the philly sprawl.

As a Harrisburg resident, I really do think the river crossings near the city are quite beautiful, and you'd be driving right through there.

Plus, if you can manage a few hours, Gettysburg is right off of 15 and well worth the trip if you're a civil war buff.


invisiblearchives t1_jawf0ur wrote

>I realized what these fucks are angry about is that they can't make fun or belittle minorities, or gay people, or women, without suffering consequences for it and it really pisses them off.

I would say, even more specifically than this, is that the American social arrangement literally contained the idea that even if you were the most downtrodden dirt farmer white, you were still de facto better than the queers, jews, blacks, mexicans, etc.

Taking that away has made the poorer end of the confederate spectrum extremely angry. They literally feel like their birthright was taken from them... the birthright being of course the right to "make fun or belittle minorities, or gay people, or women, without suffering consequences"

Plus, when compared to an even wider swath of american citizens (containing a wide mix of brilliant and lovely people of many races and backgrounds) these guys look more and more what they are... a relic of america's disgusting racial history that is in rapid decline of social power


invisiblearchives t1_javxyzq wrote

she took no responsibility for her actions, actually blamed her dying father for stressing her out, played the "poor me I'm sick" card, and then within a single breath had gone from being apologetic to playing the victim and saying she's being harassed.

That lady is a narcissist and a bully. Full stop.


invisiblearchives t1_j4lsaph wrote

>I was maybe an Eisenhower Republican

I feel you on this, since the party that was closest to my views was the radical reconstructionists. Only 150 years off on that one.

>What the fuck is been going on?

The actual answer is fascism. For the last 100 years, monarchical and corporate forces have been manipulating popular bigotry and class divisions to ensure that the levers of societal power aren't lost to people who would dismantle the existing power structures and actually fix or address issues (which exist because it assists the powerful)


invisiblearchives t1_j02mdum wrote

Just because the europeans didn't know them doesn't mean they didn't exist.

The monongahela people were a part of the mississipian culture, and had a massive population which was decimated by smallpox LONG before colonists crossed into the Ohio River Valley.

The OHR was so emptied by smallpox and migration that by the time of the beaver wars it was mostly empty.