irckeyboardwarrior t1_j0vjim6 wrote
Reply to comment by travelin_man_yeah in Jealous of NYC transportation by OfficialEthxn
You can't exactly generalize Europe like that. I went to Norway and the public transportation was okay but certainly nothing to idolize and/or write home about. And in some countries there is barely any public transportation at all.
irckeyboardwarrior t1_iv26eph wrote
Reply to New NYC feels dystopian by goobagibba
Welcome to late stage capitalism
irckeyboardwarrior t1_j9bpc8f wrote
Reply to Does anyone remember the rock museum in center jersey? by killdrea
It's closed.,-74.3774874,3a,26y,278.07h,92.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGon4A2YTdHy-rFrqC0VNkA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192