
itallendsintears t1_izevev3 wrote

Then they should have to pay a yearly fine for not allocating their space responsibly. Think of what heat sinks mall and grocery store parking lots are, and the amount of diesel fuel and salt expenditures yearly to keep them free of snow.

There is no excuse, beyond moronic boomer decision making and subsequent generations desire to tow the status quo line into absurdity.


itallendsintears t1_ixk5jte wrote

We have such major issues in our own state with persons who directly impact our lives and who I gladly pay taxes to help support. Hell, I was one of them at one point!

This isn’t a universal charity I mean wtf are we doing here?

Help people from Massachusetts. That should be our states only priority. Let the feds deal with this shit but even then my stance remains.

This IS NOT anti immigration. In fact, due to COVID immigration restrictions we have a labor shortage and are in need of immigrants.

No, in essence in many cases we are sadly taking in other countries homeless people. Other counties.

Has anyone driving around a town in Massachusetts lately? Serious question. We have a very immediate problem RIGHT HERE not getting addressed.