its8up t1_j5xkfti wrote
Reply to How can I add a second 1/4 inch water line to under my kitchen sink? by Apprehensive-Egg374
Did service on home water equipment for years. Would definitely recommend stacking brass tees instead of cutting into that shitty poly water filter line, as others have suggested. We used push-on fittings (John Guest) which are guaranteed to have compressed o-rings after about 6 years. Poly also deforms due to the pressure of the o-ring seal. They caused soooo much water damage. I simply could not understand why the company insisted on using that crap. Can't see shark bite performing any better on poly.
I've always called the product you were initially trying to find a tee stop, though it seems Amazon has a different name.
its8up t1_j4p223s wrote
Had the energy sector been forced to use 10% ethanol fuel in their equipment the demand for fossil fuels would have been on the decline long ago. Eff that crap. It's destroyed soooooo many carburetors and whatnot.
its8up t1_j3q0m9h wrote
Meh. I'm sure it's a great video, but twatter. :(
its8up t1_j3polz7 wrote
Reply to comment by MittenstheGlove in Earth’s ozone layer on course to be healed within decades, UN report finds | Most of atmospheric layer that protects planet from ultraviolet radiation likely to be fully recovered for most of world by 2040. by SetMau92
Huh. Add 2066 to that list of specific years that the ozone will be healed.
its8up t1_j3plwa5 wrote
Reply to comment by MittenstheGlove in Earth’s ozone layer on course to be healed within decades, UN report finds | Most of atmospheric layer that protects planet from ultraviolet radiation likely to be fully recovered for most of world by 2040. by SetMau92
Well, to be fair, I've seen reports for ozone layer being healed by 2060, 2040, and 2050 in that order over the past 2 days. Risky with us on the co2. People are stupid, stubborn, and greedy.
its8up t1_j3p9dyq wrote
Reply to comment by MittenstheGlove in Earth’s ozone layer on course to be healed within decades, UN report finds | Most of atmospheric layer that protects planet from ultraviolet radiation likely to be fully recovered for most of world by 2040. by SetMau92
I hope the penguins don't have peanut allergies.
its8up t1_j3m6n3e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Single-use plastic cutlery and plates to be banned in England by Sariel007
You know what food that overcooked and bland does to teeth? They don't develop properly because they're trying to run away. Can't see it being any easier for plastic to endure.
its8up t1_j3kber9 wrote
Reply to comment by Wingsto in Single-use plastic cutlery and plates to be banned in England by Sariel007
....but, are you eating British food with it? It's tough to wash that level of awful from plastic.
its8up t1_j38sn18 wrote
Reply to One Milwaukee M18 tool to drill holes on the wall for wall mounting something and to make circular hole on the furniture, and to screw and unscrew? by No_Investigator6039
Only thing throwing me off is the bolts, as an impact driver is better with those. Also, impact drivers are better with longer (3-5") screws, as they tend to break the driver bit before stripping the screw head. This is a double edged sword, as they can have a bit too much power to be convenient for short screws. Where an impact driver may fail to meet your requirements is that impacts do not have an adjustable chuck to facilitate different sized drill bits. Drills and impacts each have their strengths, and the unfortunate reality is that multiple tools is the best option. However, if you are limited to one tool I'd have to recommend a drill.
Milwaukee makes some of the best cordless tools, but they also make lower grade stuff. Top of the line is brushless, and those cost significantly more. If I could afford it, would switch to all Milwaukee brushless tools.
I hate having multiple brands of cordless tools with their respective incompatable batteries and chargers, but it happens when you're on a budget or in a pinch. In a budget, got a brushed 18v Bostitch impact + drill for maybe $120 several years back and it's performed well. More recently in a pinch and got a brushless 12v Skil set with drill, impact, oscillating cutter, and bluetooth speaker for like $200. It too has preformed well.
its8up t1_j2ij4m9 wrote
Reply to comment by Smooth_Detective in Ancient Chinese text reveals earliest known record of auroral display, described as a ‘five-colored light’ event in either 977 or 957 BCE by marketrent
The best most of us can aspire to see in our locales is the areola borialis. I've seen their stunning beauty many times, although they do tend to be the most enjoyable during the non moody season.
its8up t1_j2c7qhl wrote
Reply to comment by paracog in McDonalds workers take in more than 50 people during storm by citytiger
its8up t1_j2c537r wrote
Reply to comment by UsedToBsmart in Plastic surgery provider faces federal lawsuit over allegedly posting fake review by Due-Reading6335
Yelp is a special case, tho. I've heard multiple reports of their using bad reviews to extort businesses. Their 'pay to remove bad reviews' business model is a violation of user trust. I too have trouble understanding how those shitheads are still around.
its8up t1_j2bspy6 wrote
Reply to Projections of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Burden in the U.S. Population Aged <20 Years Through 2060: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study by Gari_305
That's great news! In conjunction with the price hike on 350 prescription drugs, just think of all the yachts Pfizer management will be able to afford.
its8up t1_j2bol4a wrote
Reply to Chinese authorities have provided nearly 1,000 genetic sequences from infected patients to GISAID in the past five days, says its CEO Peter Bogner. So far, all the samples continue to be Omicron. by green_flash
.....surely I'm not the only one who initially read Peter's last name as Booger.
its8up t1_j0jsnc8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Aromatherapy spray that killed two people in a multistate outbreak also killed pet raccoon by AudibleNod
I dunno about the carrots, but imma post me a reply or three.
its8up t1_j0jsn3j wrote
Reply to comment by diddlemeonthetobique in Aromatherapy spray that killed two people in a multistate outbreak also killed pet raccoon by AudibleNod
I dunno about the carrots, but imma post me a reply or three.
its8up t1_j0jsmwa wrote
Reply to comment by diddlemeonthetobique in Aromatherapy spray that killed two people in a multistate outbreak also killed pet raccoon by AudibleNod
I dunno about the carrots, but imma post me a reply or three.
its8up t1_j07qadt wrote
Reply to comment by JVM205 in Japan to Manufacture 2nm Chips With a Little Help From IBM by Avieshek
"Do you neeeeeed techno-logy? I just need porn on my phone."
its8up t1_izq0oqb wrote
Reply to comment by timshel42 in The pleasure of identifying plants and animals is helping some people with opposing politics to get along better. by imagepoem
Shut up, Meg.
its8up t1_iyz7pop wrote
Have you ever farted in a crowded elevator?
its8up t1_iyea6en wrote
Reply to comment by Buckle_Sandwich in LPT: Don't post LPTs that you yourself have never tried. by giblfiz
I dunno, man. Most people in the upper echelon of government are in that age range. Look at the bone head shit they pull all the fucking time.
its8up t1_iye3v38 wrote
its8up t1_iy94tkk wrote
Reply to comment by GrinAndBeerIt in LPT - The easiest way to make guacamole is to just smoosh an avocado and put salsa in it. by [deleted]
Speaking of bad products from major chains, how about those rotten ass Taco Bell tomatoes?
its8up t1_iy8r1le wrote
Joe only getting in that close so he can sniff Macron's hair.
its8up t1_j5xkt9w wrote
Reply to comment by its8up in How can I add a second 1/4 inch water line to under my kitchen sink? by Apprehensive-Egg374
Just zoomed the pic. Why the hell is your dishwasher supply hooked to the cold water supply? That's odd to me.