itsthebeans t1_ixnsz3j wrote
Reply to comment by Full-Watercress-7743 in Brazil's electoral court rejects Bolsonaro election challenge by vitorgrs
There was an organized attempt to overthrow the election by changing the results in several states to have Trump declared President.
The riot itself may or may not have been organized from the top, but there were certainty militia groups that went there with the goal of insurrection. And the riot was caused by the rhetoric of Trump and other Republicans.
itsthebeans t1_ixmt3oe wrote
Reply to comment by Full-Watercress-7743 in Brazil's electoral court rejects Bolsonaro election challenge by vitorgrs
The big deal is that Republicans attempted to overthrow a democratic election and incited a riot at the US Capitol building.
Even if Biden was in a coma, it wouldn't change that Republicans staged a coup (a poorly executed one nonetheless).
itsthebeans t1_j5zynqv wrote
Reply to comment by JohnPlayerSpecia1 in FBI has seized website used by notorious ransomware gang by Bananaramas
Do you really think the FBI is so clueless as to try to stop a ransomware gang by simply shutting down a web domain? Or do you think there might be more to the story than the headline suggests?
Click the link and read even the first sentence if you really want to know.