
iv2892 t1_jbeqk2t wrote

It depends on the neighborhood, I’m in nyc often and I feel safe most of the time. The worst I usually see is maybe some homeless mumbling to himself or New Yorkers being New Yorkers. No big deal. The drivers , specially cab and Uber drivers are dangerous though , they have no regard for people crossing the streets . You’re not exaggerating on that part , is almost the same in Jersey, but since there are not that many pedestrians it doesn’t seem as bad . But we have bad drivers all over the tri state area and other cities in the US as well


iv2892 t1_jbepwna wrote

Do you guys remember when the Post was trying to scare monger people saying that the reason that the new scream movie was filmed in NYC is because of the supposed “scary lawlessness and crime in the city” 🤣😂😂😂😂. Yeah , like there are not enough horror or disaster movies set in nyc


iv2892 t1_jb8kqix wrote

Yeah , I don’t think anybody would consider midtown dangerous . Some parts around Hell’s Kitchen could be considered a little sketchy at night , but overall I find it safer than most places . Fordham is also not that bad , I guess in certain areas at least. The most surprising part of that article is that somehow East NY is not mentioned lol


iv2892 t1_jb1vf6h wrote

Wait? Which lines you have to wait 20 minutes during rush hour ? Even on Saturday afternoons and evenings (not weekday rush hour) usually the most I have to wait is 10 min. And the few times I’ve used them during weekdays is 3-4 minutes. Granted, before the pandemic rush hour was probably every 2 minutes .

The lines I usually tend to take when I’m in nyc are 1,2,3 and A,C. And occasionally the E.