jackie_wiggiwoo t1_j19rlcv wrote
Reply to comment by Akak3000 in Looking to possibly move to Springfield/Ozark/Nixa. Looking for good neighborhoods for kids in elementary school? 300-400k budget. by Thin_Alternative_519
Soooo true!
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_j19p6s2 wrote
Reply to Best place to get Tamales? by MechanoidHelix
tortilleria perches was doing a special on them for the holidays!
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_j0nemo3 wrote
Reply to Looking to possibly move to Springfield/Ozark/Nixa. Looking for good neighborhoods for kids in elementary school? 300-400k budget. by Thin_Alternative_519
Several new houses being built in Lakes At Wild Horse
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iz9xxsq wrote
Reply to comment by External_Staff_300 in School Board by [deleted]
She’s currently on the School Board, just collecting signatures to be on the voting ballot. It was just a heads up to those who pay attention to these things. So far she is the only one to set up a time for petitions. As I see those I will post them as well.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iz9nu4t wrote
Reply to comment by blurubi04 in School Board by [deleted]
From what gather she has but posted that date to sign? I’m not the exact steps required, I just saw the Fb post.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iz7cbl3 wrote
Reply to comment by Flat-Sun-5134 in I need help finding a website or other source to assist in finding a part time job. Only catch is I need my shift to start at 5:00pm and go no later than 10:00pm by wwwSTEALTHYcom
Lowes does! My husband’s second job is there 6pm-10pm unless it’s weekends.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iyykbwx wrote
Reply to comment by blurubi04 in The new house I bought has some shims underneath the floor beams, between the concrete support & the beam, that are failing. Who would I call in Springfield? A framing company? by jgj570s
Where can these shims be purchased? My new construction house has shims because they didn’t nail the subfloor correctly. We have major floor movement causing drywall cracks and floor popping.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iyrqztp wrote
Reply to comment by itsjustajoe in Whataburger Opening Dates by Bigmac114293
The Taco Bell is open, but a Domino’s and Whataburger are going in too. I live close by and noticed land being dug up so I searched permits.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iypmwjc wrote
Reply to Trader Joe's.. by [deleted]
Ugh I wish! I make special trips 3-4 times a year.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iypmou1 wrote
Reply to Whataburger Opening Dates by Bigmac114293
I don’t but I just saw they are putting one by Menards on Eastgate in Springfield.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iyizwmm wrote
Reply to comment by Wrinklestiltskin in Anyone know of places needing people? by [deleted]
My Aunt has worked on the Psych floor for years!
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iyasg84 wrote
Reply to Speaking of things everyone's seen by Punnchy
Multi-Billionaires house? I live by there and don’t think I’ve seen it.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_ixoz3l2 wrote
Van Gogh’s, Gaileys, Piccolo, WF Cody’s, Garbos
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_ix9sqzg wrote
Reply to Mercy or Cox for pregnant woman? by somehuman01
I personally used Mercy. The doctor that delivered me was not my obgyn and was absolutely horrible! So make sure your ob has a backup doctor in case so you don’t get a random doctor. Since then I haven’t had luck with any Mercy obgyn other than a gyn-oncologist, I’m with one at Cox and he’s great.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iwqok6o wrote
Reply to comment by mizzousteve in What is being built behind Walmart on east sunshine? by mizzousteve
I mean there is a Walmart on E. Sunshine
jackie_wiggiwoo OP t1_iwj89kt wrote
Reply to comment by TV_MAGIC in Trump costume downtown. by jackie_wiggiwoo
Agreed. On the way home I explained to him how white supremacy is a form of Nazism. I hope you don’t mean I was being childish. It’s hard to avoid the groups all down Glenstone. I don’t intentionally expose him to that but we do encourage conversation about current events and what it going on in our world.
jackie_wiggiwoo OP t1_iwiyp9g wrote
Reply to comment by TV_MAGIC in Trump costume downtown. by jackie_wiggiwoo
I thought it was a joke considering location. I originally saw him at the stoplight in front of Billards and I was in shock. Once I picked up my son I drove down St Louis to look and take a pic. The preteen was over it and begged me not to turn around and try again.
Submitted by jackie_wiggiwoo t3_ywc8a8 in springfieldMO
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iwgpm3h wrote
Seoul has some, I’m not sure quality but they were $15 and up
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iwc3rph wrote
I had an IUD placed under general but not by choice. The dr was unable to place it. I will say it was expensive as hell so I would avoid it unless your insurance deductible is super low.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_ivzg921 wrote
Reply to comment by mmr364 in Best/worst pediatricians in town? by ilikecandypumpkins
Love Dr Waters! My son has been going to her for 11 years, I also graduated high school with her.
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_ivogvb8 wrote
Reply to comment by Cold417 in My car insurance has gone up by throwawayspfd
Holy shit! My cars went up $85 and my house $1400!
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_ivm9vih wrote
Reply to Springfield Voter Turn Out by Successful_Hunter235
I voted Saturday and it was very busy. It was mainly ages 50+
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iv1e3p3 wrote
Culture Counter! Their waffles are great for breakfast or lunch, the ice cream flavors are unique and the baked goods are amazing!
jackie_wiggiwoo t1_j1hxtun wrote
Reply to What does a $50,000/year job look like in the Springfield area? by tedgurdfjjbv
Before I met my husband he made less than that and had purchased a home.