jamesbong0024 t1_j9ng5jw wrote
Reply to comment by i-opener in Google announces major breakthrough that represents ‘significant shift’ in quantum computers by Ezekiel_W
Brought to you by Bard AI.
jamesbong0024 t1_j5dlt1n wrote
jamesbong0024 t1_j5dky4u wrote
Reply to Visited Cape Disappointment State Park near Ilwaco today! [OC] [2710X2710] by Davethephotoguy
So pitted
jamesbong0024 t1_j1tnc2m wrote
Reply to comment by SeatlleTribune in 4th Washington state electrical substation vandalized by Teanaway99
Just some lone wolves with mental health issues. /s
jamesbong0024 t1_j1sbgpw wrote
This isn’t vandalism. This is terrorism.
jamesbong0024 t1_iu4c0yx wrote
Reply to Enter a wavelength of visible light (380nm - 808nm) to see what color it is by CoherentPhoton
Very disappointed 420 was not green
jamesbong0024 t1_irtpj2q wrote
Reply to Deceased Whale at Ruby Beach by thedarkforest_theory
Better get the dynamite
jamesbong0024 t1_jbozpjl wrote
Reply to Dell’s Latitude 7330 convinced me that business laptops are too expensive by dapperlemon
Wait til they see the Precision 5770.