jawshoeaw t1_j2cnxes wrote
Reply to comment by belligerentunicorn1 in Green Hydrogen - Not The Fuel Of The Future by Realistic-Plant3957
It’s not lazy it’s accurate when it comes to hydrogen. The only cheap source of hydrogen is methane right now. Once solar and wind power are built out to the point we have surplus electricity then you can start making hydrogen essentially for free via electrolysis. But until then petroleum companies are going to do what companies do: lie cheat and steal to stay in business.
jawshoeaw t1_j2cnor6 wrote
Reply to comment by Shot-Job-8841 in Green Hydrogen - Not The Fuel Of The Future by Realistic-Plant3957
It would depend on ocean current depth wind patterns etc but the oceans are massive, beyond our understanding. We can never make enough hydrogen to alter ocean chemistry assuming the byproducts are properly dispersed.
jawshoeaw t1_j1rwthc wrote
They were feared missing?
jawshoeaw t1_j1l9r3i wrote
Reply to comment by New_Progress_1462 in Russia may need to send a rescue mission to the International Space Station for 3 astronauts after a leak in their Soyuz capsule by A_Lazko
They’re a poor country. It’s amazing that they’ve accomplished what they have
jawshoeaw t1_j1l9ost wrote
Reply to comment by Vagabond_Grey in Russia may need to send a rescue mission to the International Space Station for 3 astronauts after a leak in their Soyuz capsule by A_Lazko
The red bull guy wasn’t in orbit. He did the equivalent of climbing a tall ladder. Shedding orbital velocity is the problem.
jawshoeaw t1_j1l9irz wrote
Reply to The $52 billion plan to save New York’s low-lying areas from sea level rise and storm surges by ChiggaOG
If it’s any consolation, your grandchildren will only see a 12” sea level rise. It’s your great great grandchildren who are fucked. Ask yourself how important your relationship is with your great great grandparents is. That’s right, they’re strangers you don’t know or care about. And that’s why we’re in this mess.
jawshoeaw t1_j1l7o7j wrote
Reply to Taliban's order to foreign, local NGOs: Don't allow female employees | World News by EagleOfMay
Time to leave the afghans to their own misery imo. They want our money but not our values. If they want to live in the Stone Age , fine. Cut them off
jawshoeaw t1_j1c3u7d wrote
Reply to comment by allegedly-insane in Mars' ancient atmosphere may not have had much oxygen after all by pecika
It’s not “extremely toxic” unless you don’t have the biochemistry to deal with it.
jawshoeaw t1_j1bv0cl wrote
Reply to Microplastics deposited on the seafloor have tripled in 20 years, study shows by Additional-Two-7312
This is good news. Put the oil back where it came from.
jawshoeaw t1_j101arl wrote
Reply to Under what circumstances does radiation cause things (the air, people, plants, etc.) to glow? by ForsakenWedding8062
Cherenkov radiation is probably the best real life Hollywood-like radiation glow. I think a good way to think about this is to remember that for our eyes to see something “glowing” it has to be emitting by definition visible light. But why would radioactive material emit viable light or trigger the emission of visible light when again by definition it’s emitting “radiation” , meaning either neutrons, gamma rays, electrons, or other high energy particles? None of those radiated particles are visible. However , there is a phenomenon called “phosphene” where radiation triggers the perception of light, or where the radiation causes Cherenkov light to be released within the eye itself. Radium for example, while not making girls actually glow, does appear to glow faintly blue in the dark. This is from high energy electrons striking nitrogen in the air. Maybe you could use that .
jawshoeaw t1_j0tk041 wrote
Reply to New study suggests that regularly drinking coffee potentially lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes for women who had gestational diabetes during pregnancy by giuliomagnifico
Woohoo I’m saved !! Wait , does this not apply to dudes ?
jawshoeaw t1_j0oojb6 wrote
What’s confusing is that the brain doesn’t need insulin to use sugar. And yet insulin is an important hormone in the brain
jawshoeaw t1_j0o0ws2 wrote
Reply to comment by vellyr in Switzerland’s Giant “Water Battery” Starts Working by Wagamaga
Impractical for small suburban lots/homes. Quite feasible for larger properties. Of course water would probably be used as it’s readily available. Or maybe dirt /sand?
jawshoeaw t1_j0o0jkl wrote
Reply to comment by einmaldrin_alleshin in Switzerland’s Giant “Water Battery” Starts Working by Wagamaga
Concrete gravity storage has been demonstrated to be scalable. You just use more blocks of the same size. Pumped hydro is severely limited to areas that can store water without causing ecological problems. Also concrete doesn’t evaporate.
jawshoeaw t1_j0cgw16 wrote
Reply to 5 second toaster and kettle by F1NNTORIO
you can't have a 5 second toaster because toast requires slower heating. too fast and you get cold bread with burnt outer layer.
jawshoeaw t1_j0cgntr wrote
Reply to comment by Stopa42 in 5 second toaster and kettle by F1NNTORIO
I believe the national ignition facility may be interested in your above grant proposal.
jawshoeaw t1_j0amkvw wrote
Reply to comment by Gavri3l in Japan to Manufacture 2nm Chips With a Little Help From IBM by Avieshek
Marketing triumphs over physics again!
jawshoeaw t1_j057p2d wrote
Reply to comment by SavageFugu in New research shows why we hear “lemon” and not “melon” in processing incoming sounds: our brains “time-stamp” the order of incoming sounds, allowing us to correctly process the words that we hear by giuliomagnifico
Well think of it this way: unless our brains are recording the audio exactly the same way a computer does , there has to be a way to time-stamp the information. Otherwise it would be just a jumble of incoherent sounds. Take what I’m writing for example: you are reading from left to right. So all is good. Now imagine if every word I typed was written on a separate scrap of paper and put into a bag. You put your hand in the bag and pull out words randomly. Total nonsense. But if I put a number on each one you could reconstruct the meaning.
jawshoeaw t1_j0517t4 wrote
Reply to comment by SavageFugu in New research shows why we hear “lemon” and not “melon” in processing incoming sounds: our brains “time-stamp” the order of incoming sounds, allowing us to correctly process the words that we hear by giuliomagnifico
Yeah I must be missing something. Maybe what they’re saying is the audio is first encoded, then sent to the brain, then analyzed and decoded but because the way the brain “saves” the audio , it needs to keep track of which sound was first. On a CD the data is stored in space, in a line. In digital storage there is a file. In your brain I’m guessing it’s not so linear
jawshoeaw t1_iybzzkv wrote
Reply to Shower renovation - edges of the shower pan are covered up by a thick layer of compound. Not sure how to proceed. Any good resources for non-cookie-cutter renovations? by allicat828
It seems bad at first but gutting is often less work overall. I’d take it down to studs, probably only one day of work. Wear an N95!
jawshoeaw t1_iybxc7t wrote
Reply to comment by 5degreenegativerake in Exterior GCFI outlet tripping. No moisture detected at the outlet. What diagnostic steps should I take before I change the outlet? by MartyAtThePoonTower
I have lots of lights that are soaking wet for the month of December and they don’t ever trip my gfci. It’s weird honestly. In my experience gfci just go bad and it’s easier to replace them after some basic troubleshooting.
jawshoeaw t1_iybvl67 wrote
Reply to Used mastic to repair holes in front steps, eternally sticky and causing a mess now by RoarBacon
I hate mastic so much. It loves water ! Scrape it out and use concrete or bondo
jawshoeaw t1_ixsybla wrote
Reply to comment by Thisismyvpnaccount in Eye-tracking study suggests that negative comments on social media are more attention-grabbing than positive comments by mossadnik
What is this camouflage font??
jawshoeaw t1_ixnjxti wrote
Reply to comment by stopdrugpushing in Vaccine to prevent UTIs could be taken as a dissolving tablet by tonymmorley
In a separate human trials mentioned in the article the subjects had to spray something in their mouth daily for several months so I’d say possibly yes the pills might daily.
jawshoeaw t1_j2co6qu wrote
Reply to comment by kokanee-fish in Green Hydrogen - Not The Fuel Of The Future by Realistic-Plant3957
It’s always the fuel of the future because it’s too expensive. Lithium sulfur batteries or something similar are coming soon with energy densities 4x li ion. That’s good enough for long haul trucking and short to medium range aviation. Hydrogen could be the fuel for container ships some day.