
jawshoeaw t1_j2cnxes wrote

It’s not lazy it’s accurate when it comes to hydrogen. The only cheap source of hydrogen is methane right now. Once solar and wind power are built out to the point we have surplus electricity then you can start making hydrogen essentially for free via electrolysis. But until then petroleum companies are going to do what companies do: lie cheat and steal to stay in business.


jawshoeaw t1_j1l9irz wrote

If it’s any consolation, your grandchildren will only see a 12” sea level rise. It’s your great great grandchildren who are fucked. Ask yourself how important your relationship is with your great great grandparents is. That’s right, they’re strangers you don’t know or care about. And that’s why we’re in this mess.


jawshoeaw t1_j101arl wrote

Cherenkov radiation is probably the best real life Hollywood-like radiation glow. I think a good way to think about this is to remember that for our eyes to see something “glowing” it has to be emitting by definition visible light. But why would radioactive material emit viable light or trigger the emission of visible light when again by definition it’s emitting “radiation” , meaning either neutrons, gamma rays, electrons, or other high energy particles? None of those radiated particles are visible. However , there is a phenomenon called “phosphene” where radiation triggers the perception of light, or where the radiation causes Cherenkov light to be released within the eye itself. Radium for example, while not making girls actually glow, does appear to glow faintly blue in the dark. This is from high energy electrons striking nitrogen in the air. Maybe you could use that .


jawshoeaw t1_j057p2d wrote

Well think of it this way: unless our brains are recording the audio exactly the same way a computer does , there has to be a way to time-stamp the information. Otherwise it would be just a jumble of incoherent sounds. Take what I’m writing for example: you are reading from left to right. So all is good. Now imagine if every word I typed was written on a separate scrap of paper and put into a bag. You put your hand in the bag and pull out words randomly. Total nonsense. But if I put a number on each one you could reconstruct the meaning.


jawshoeaw t1_j0517t4 wrote

Yeah I must be missing something. Maybe what they’re saying is the audio is first encoded, then sent to the brain, then analyzed and decoded but because the way the brain “saves” the audio , it needs to keep track of which sound was first. On a CD the data is stored in space, in a line. In digital storage there is a file. In your brain I’m guessing it’s not so linear


jawshoeaw t1_iybxc7t wrote

I have lots of lights that are soaking wet for the month of December and they don’t ever trip my gfci. It’s weird honestly. In my experience gfci just go bad and it’s easier to replace them after some basic troubleshooting.