
jeffersonairmattress t1_itt6oja wrote

I don't think your burner is lighting at all. You can prove that the warm water is just leftover by just letting it run and finding it eventually just cold.

Nobody has mentioned a thermocouple. That's the easiest and most common fault of a gas DHW heater. Google thermocouple replacement. No need to drain the tank. Just turn black knob to off, slide access panel open, re and re thermocouple, then follow instructions to re-start your controller (typically turn black knob to pilot, press and hold and light pilot while new thermocouple heats, turn black knob to on, hear satisfying click and whoomph, close access panel)


jeffersonairmattress t1_itqmb1g wrote

I used to move heavy tools for a living- we routinely drilled a 1/2” hole 2” from the top of a 2x10 exposed ceiling joist in basements with a 12 foot span and hoisted 1100 pound lathes onto their floor stands from one point.

For eyed lags or hooks, pre drill perfectly in the middle of joists to just under root diameter and add a dab of PL premium to the hole, but wax the fastener if you ever want to get it out- this consolidates the deformed fibres the screw threads form and adds pullout resistance. Four GRK structural fasteners to a bracket spanning two joists is much better than one big lag if you have that option.


jeffersonairmattress t1_is33cga wrote

Traditional windows this size would use a nominal 2x2 muntin but with a profile done on a shaper. They would not be dadoed and built around the plexi becasue that way you can't replace the panes; they use a rabbet and stop or putty instead. The vertical of the cross gets a 90 degree notch both sides, as does each inner edge of the outer frame where it meets the ends of the "cross." The ends of the cross are pointed 45 degrees each side to register in the four notches. It's a very strong construction, simple on a tablesaw.