jelatinman t1_je5qb69 wrote
Being the lead off after Abbott elementary will help with that.
jelatinman t1_jdyacjv wrote
The first season of Abbott Elementary is filmed by the person who did the cinematography of The Office, and was designed as a throwback to that style as the network sitcom itself was not being made much anymore. Look at the shows that do well in reruns of the past few years, Last Man Standing, The Big Bang Theory, Mike & Molly, etc.
And honestly, while television itself won't stick around, live weekly television can still get more viewers on streaming than streaming originals.
I do know someone that writes on Grand Crew so I can't exactly be fair about it though.
jelatinman t1_jdwes67 wrote
Reply to comment by DrengisKhan in First Look: "The Muppets Mayhem" - Disney Plus series by LyingPug
Haha yes the episode when they get drunk is funny.
I liked the show and it may have a cult following. However, it didn't connect with the public and setting up shots for continuous puppet action can't be easy.
jelatinman t1_jdwekfp wrote
I'm glad they're trying but nothing has really stuck in terms of Muppets content on Disney+. Muppets Haunted Mansion was fun and cute but I don't know anyone who watched it.
EDIT: Goddammit, Lily Singh is in this.
I'm indifferent towards her, but there's a pretty vocal hatedom for her that'll probably be in the comments.
For context: Lily Singh was a YouTuber who was among the first to go "mainstream" in that she got a latenight show on NBC. It was pretty forward thinking - as a show airing so late at night, they pretty much made content for the Internet by a YouTuber. But it forced her into this dying late-night show box with writers who just weren't a good fit. It's hard to deny some of her monologue's white people jokes (which in itself is a tired topic in standup, even with conservative white males saying hateful rhetoric) didn't hit hard enough. The show wasn't as confident in itself as the similar-in-concept-but-far-better Amber Ruffin show. With that and bad interviewing skills, the show was a bomb. But they're not the worst jokes I've heard about cis straight white males (of which I am one, though on the left). I'm glad she's moved on from the show, but potentially would have a better career if she stuck to YouTube over Hollywood.
jelatinman t1_jdweft2 wrote
Reply to comment by meowskywalker in First Look: "The Muppets Mayhem" - Disney Plus series by LyingPug
I distinctly remember liking Kermit at the yoga retreat.
jelatinman t1_j6ntoiu wrote
Reply to comment by AutographedSnorkel in Kids‘ Choice Awards 2023 Hosts and Nominees Revealed by Sisiwakanamaru
iCarly 2021 also has a lot of sex references
jelatinman t1_j66m6o9 wrote
Reply to comment by USeaMoose in ‘Somebody Feed Phil’ Renewed For Season 7 By Netflix by MarvelsGrantMan136
Phil is polarizing but I did find myself gradually warming up to him. Really it’s a light show with pretty scenery and bougie restaurants, with some truly heartwarming moments occasionally (like his love for his Down syndrome afflicted cousin). I’m shocked that Netflix hasn’t stopped making it - while it’s cheaper than many shows, this type of travelogue is only popular on E/I television in the US or travel channel reruns.
jelatinman t1_j2faban wrote
Reply to comment by frissonFry in New Haven officer ‘chased juveniles’ while off-duty by MyGodItsFullOfClowns
Ricky Spanish
jelatinman t1_j0x7w5a wrote
Reply to comment by NBAccount in Moments before Argentina's World Cup winning penalty in the streets of Buenos Aires by 1Leep
Well yeah. There's many articles about like "oh shame on you for liking this World Cup." We need distractions because our lives are so fucking pointless and doomed, so let us eat cake for a bit. Not even trying to be an edgelord, just bread and circuses ya know.
jelatinman t1_iy8yyc1 wrote
Reply to Showtime Entertainment President Jana Winograde Says “Belt Tightening Is Coming” by ggroover97
Halo gonna be made out of cardboard for season 2. You can't spend $200m on streaming projects no matter how big the franchise is.
jelatinman t1_itqj8zb wrote
I know animation is typically well into production but Cuphead’s release feels a bit rushed. 3 seasons in 1 year is crazy to me. It’s supposedly going for 4 seasons, but when it releases next year it’ll basically be over.
jelatinman t1_je80au1 wrote
Reply to comment by DavidDVDdivaD in Several People Arrested After Guns, Narcotics Found During Operation in Hartford by IndicationOver
OP was the guy who posted a thread encouraging New Milford to have armed guards at school. You know who he voted for.