
jersey385 t1_j5yrdz4 wrote

I saw a woman tap her card at that wide turnstile and you know how that one kind of has a delay while it opens and closes? I honestly think she thought it took her card before she walked through but it was actually still open from the last fare and they ticketed her. I mean her Smartlink card was in her hand. I thought that was ridiculous. I am pretty sure I have done the same thing during the morning rush.


jersey385 t1_j5bomf0 wrote

They are volunteers who are out of their depth with close to a $1 billion budget. That’s just a fact. Everyone shits on them but they have have no business being in the position they are in. They have no way to to know where the corruption is or how to fix it. They are not financial experts but are expected to be. The system is BIZARRE.


jersey385 t1_iy3lro1 wrote

The women who work in the parking authority office are crazy old bats but the line moves decently. So if you see a long line it will take a while but they keep it moving for the most part. I’ve been there twice and that’s been my experience for what it’s worth. You do need to have the paperwork filled out perfectly or they lose their minds and get an attitude.


jersey385 t1_ivddgz3 wrote

Honestly a budget officer would be pretty useless. They first need a full forensic audit. I swear I’m not trying to be a hater, but the problems are huge and it would take a year or two, in my opinion, to get a grip on where the money is going. Also, who, if not a “budget officer” is in charge of creating the budget to begin with? Let’s get some transparency into the current process before adding another salary.


jersey385 t1_ivc9g0v wrote

We need to vote for people that have some real world finance experience and can review an almost $1 billion budget, understand it, ask the right questions and vote yes or no based on facts. Guess what? You are not likely to find too many people, let alone unpaid volunteers, (the fact they are elected is basically moot, they are volunteers) with the experience to do this. The problem is the the board of ed system is kind obsolete and useless for this city. Giving well intentioned volunteers who are completely out of their depth, as most people would be, (that’s not a diss), the power to approve $1 billion in spending just perpetuates the problem.


jersey385 t1_iurbwm7 wrote

The sarcasm comes from waiting for the bus at the bottom of the hill on Newark where the protected bike lanes are frequently ignored and the sidewalks are used. I feel like it’s about 50/50 sidewalk Vs bike lane. Given the zero enforcement policy of pretty much anything in JC that’s not likely to change.


jersey385 t1_iu0ldgf wrote

I disagree that the ambulance is overkill. All these incidents should be reported. I doubt the cops will do anything because apparently they don’t ever do anything, but then when you sue the city because you are really hurt they can’t say they didn’t know. At the risk of sounding overly Karen-esque these assholes are a serious hazard and you have almost no recourse because many are undocumented and they are all uninsured.


jersey385 t1_itzvfwc wrote

I agree with that. Today however there was decent communication (at least there was at Grove St), and the resolution was relatively swift. This does happen too often though, it’s not always resolved quickly and it always seems to be at the height of rush hour 7:50-9:00 am.


jersey385 t1_irrolor wrote

People don’t understand anything without consequences. Unless there are traffic cameras or some type of traffic enforcement by police (yeah, right) behaviors won’t change.


jersey385 t1_iqx9v38 wrote

As another petite lady, I feel fine taking the train back at that time under normal circumstances. In a concert situation I believe the train will be quite crowded which in my mind is better.