jessesparkell OP t1_jdolbvz wrote
Reply to comment by sassooal in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
We do get snow in March here too but it’s only that deep in the North/Scotland. I can’t even imagine 😳 do you get snowdrops or daffodils?
jessesparkell OP t1_jdol63n wrote
Reply to comment by juliegnh in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you, what lovely creatures they seem to be! Curious to know if they have any environmental benefits to redeem themselves 🙂
jessesparkell OP t1_jdokx91 wrote
Reply to comment by gravity_loss in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you, very interesting to read as some people have said the black flies don’t really tend to bite. Always better safe than sorry
jessesparkell OP t1_jdokiw1 wrote
Reply to comment by Cashbail in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Wow, these flies seem to really like humans 😳 we must smell tasty
jessesparkell OP t1_jdok50e wrote
Reply to comment by Cashbail in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you, it definitely seems to be the advice of the overwhelming majority
jessesparkell OP t1_jdok130 wrote
Reply to comment by Ferahgost in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you, on reflection think I’ll try to avoid the woods
jessesparkell OP t1_jdoacno wrote
Reply to comment by RobynZombie in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you ☺️ I have a bullet journal almost full of planning for this trip 😁 the planning is at least half the fun for sure
jessesparkell OP t1_jdoa0j3 wrote
Reply to comment by Whatwarts in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
😆 laughed out loud at the pina colada, it’s my favourite cocktail. Coconut oil eh? Is there anything it can’t do? What a hero product. Thanks for the tip, anything’s worth a try 🙂
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo7rfw wrote
Reply to comment by sassooal in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Wow, that’s really interesting, thanks for the tip 🙂 to be honest it can sometimes be the same here, we get flowers and blossoms blooming around now but it can take ages for the trees to join the party. It seems like you just wake up one day and they’re all suddenly green again!
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo5o8w wrote
Reply to comment by crourke13 in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you, my research is now moving on to deer flies and ticks!
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo59x6 wrote
Reply to comment by Selfless- in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thanks very much, writing this all down 🙂 never had a tick bite! Will be keeping an eye out for sure
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo4yn6 wrote
Reply to comment by BionicGimpster in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you, weather-wise it sounds like a home away from home 🙂 lovely to hear from people that have lived/live in some of the areas we’re visiting. I’m sure we will encounter some flies towards the end of the break so we will prepare accordingly! Thanks again
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo4kr0 wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzleheaded_Gas356 in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thanks very much, sounds very much like English weather in May 🙂
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo4cui wrote
Reply to comment by Quizicalcoatl in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you, this is great advice that will also help me pack suitable clothes. Can’t wait to visit 🤍
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo3qvy wrote
Reply to comment by tourdedance in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
😆 sorry, should have said black flies I guess
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo0y5e wrote
Reply to comment by procrastinatorsuprem in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you, Manchester first and then over by the lakes
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo0tcj wrote
Reply to comment by dogownedhoomun in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thanks, I’m not allergic to the point that I’ll struggle to breath, I just sometimes get quite big swellings from bites that are itchy
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo0n61 wrote
Reply to comment by Rough_Magician_8117 in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you, really appreciate the information. I also seem to repel repellents 😂 but I will continue to read up. Also now looking into information on deer flies….
jessesparkell OP t1_jdo07lp wrote
Reply to comment by LordColbyJack in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thank you, we will be visiting some wooded areas and some lakes so this is definitely useful information. Deer flies 😬 sound fun! Any recommendations for natural repellents? Thanks again
jessesparkell OP t1_jdnyxmm wrote
Reply to comment by BionicGimpster in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thanks very much for the advice, we’ll be coming up from Boston and staying in Manchester then Meredith, probably spending some time near the lakes. I appreciate the weather is a big factor and that’s also a tricky thing to prepare for because from what I’ve read it’s pretty unpredictable in New England 🙂 I’m assuming long sleeves and pants are fairly typical in May?
jessesparkell OP t1_jdny4hf wrote
Reply to comment by Bobtom42 in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Thanks for your feedback, do you have any recommendations regarding repellants? I’ve read that lavender oil is effective? Also, would you say the flies are mostly an issue in wooded areas or maybe near water or are they just everywhere?! Thanks again
Submitted by jessesparkell t3_121xxna in newhampshire
jessesparkell OP t1_jdomcc8 wrote
Reply to comment by maraq in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell
Wow, thank you for the detailed guidance, and yes we do have cats so this is very helpful. Starting to wonder if we should just avoid too much exploring of the natural areas, which seems a shame but I didn’t realise there was so many insects to consider. Naïve tourist alert 🙁