jessicat7474 t1_ixx75yq wrote
Madison is lovely!
jessicat7474 OP t1_ixkl053 wrote
Reply to comment by KJK998 in Restaurants with Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow? by jessicat7474
Thanks! I’m pretty sad about it, but hey, after Covid just have to be thankful to be spending it with a loved one.
jessicat7474 OP t1_ixjs11n wrote
Reply to comment by HughWonPDL2018 in Restaurants with Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow? by jessicat7474
You too!
jessicat7474 OP t1_ixjroj3 wrote
Reply to comment by HughWonPDL2018 in Restaurants with Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow? by jessicat7474
Haha! Hello! I ended up going to Stew’s. Making half and bought the other half. Thanks for the help neighbor!
jessicat7474 OP t1_ixjc0kn wrote
Reply to comment by HughWonPDL2018 in Restaurants with Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow? by jessicat7474
Funnily enough we live down the street! I’ll reach out to them. Thank you!
jessicat7474 t1_ix5qyar wrote
Reply to comment by thisisntmineIfoundit in Students at NYC high school get third grade-level lessons on Goldilocks by fppencollector
I replied this above but I think it also stands here:
Sometimes we assign portions of books if the focus is on a specific area of content. We review throughout the year. So for instance, I give my students a model paragraph but instead of their first review being of the content in the paragraph, I make it about something silly. Teachers are constantly trying to engage kids in learning in new ways. I’ll tell you, I teach high schoolers and they give zero f’s a lot of the time. I have a high level class and then a lot of kids reading at elementary school level in the same class. So it’s really tough to deem an assignment too basic. I’m trying to get around that with differentiation but it’s a beast.
jessicat7474 t1_ix5q80c wrote
Reply to comment by fppencollector in Students at NYC high school get third grade-level lessons on Goldilocks by fppencollector
Sometimes we assign portions of books if the focus is on a specific area of content. We review throughout the year. So for instance, I give my students a model paragraph but instead of their first review being of the content in the paragraph, I make it about something silly. Teachers are constantly trying to engage kids in learning in new ways. I’ll tell you, I teach high schoolers and they give zero f’s a lot of the time. I have a high level class and then a lot of kids reading at elementary school level in the same class. So it’s really tough to deem an assignment too basic. I’m trying to get around that with differentiation but it’s a beast.
jessicat7474 t1_ix3m8em wrote
Teacher here. Indeed this is scaffolding. What many civilians don’t get is that sometimes we as teachers give rudimentary assignments to review skills kids SHOULD know already. Then we apply those skills to more challenging assignments. Believe it or not we’re not that far into the school year, so I will assume that the teacher was indeed reviewing skills in a simplistic way so that students felt empowered to complete tougher assignments. There’s no date, so I’m going to go with that.
jessicat7474 t1_j4snv0m wrote
Reply to Adams signs $275M deal with NYC hotels to house migrants by deathhand
I wonder which of his cronies is making out like a bandit.