jezra t1_itxdl3t wrote
Not every canadian wants to fellate the king of england
jezra t1_itwol57 wrote
"Biden has long proclaimed himself as the most pro-labor president, often
having union members introducing him ahead of speeches"
Then POTUS should start doing a better job of shitting on RR management that doesn't give a crap about the people that actually keep the RRs running.
jezra t1_itv69jt wrote
Reply to What Really Happened at the Penn State Protest Against Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes by bythesea_man
It's Ok to let nazis have a meeting on campus if they are going to tell jokes. -- Penn State Administrators who need to be fired
jezra t1_itmbx34 wrote
get out of here with this unpossible science, I have been assured over and over again by the US government that cannabis has zero medical benefits. zero.
jezra t1_it4abcb wrote
Reply to Starbucks Barista in Texas, USA. AMA! by LuckyPotter777
Do you work in a Union shop?
jezra t1_isydzwu wrote
Reply to comment by pensivebunny in USDA announces $1 billion debt relief for 36,000 farmers by Thetimmybaby
I mean shitbags like Representative Doug LaMalfa.
jezra t1_isy8j34 wrote
real farmers, or right wing politicians that own farms?
jezra t1_isy7yh1 wrote
Reply to Weaponized Robots Letter Calls for Policy, Tech Fixes Manufacturers’ initiative pledges no militarized robots for nonmilitary purposes by tonymmorley
100% irrelevant.
Once the robot is sold, those manufacturers have zero control over what the purchaser does with the robot.
jezra t1_isy7lbt wrote
Reply to comment by Gagarin1961 in Weaponized Robots Letter Calls for Policy, Tech Fixes Manufacturers’ initiative pledges no militarized robots for nonmilitary purposes by tonymmorley
TIL the Oakland California police department is "our enemy"
jezra t1_isoygdj wrote
Reply to Hong Kong protester dragged into Manchester Chinese consulate grounds and beaten up by AlxIp
Sorry China, Biden only fist bumps your leader if the protester is beheaded.
jezra t1_ison7uy wrote
Reply to UC Berkeley is repatriating cultural artifacts, including ancestral remains, to Indigenous tribes by KTnash
there should be an /r/aboutfuckingtime sub for stories like this where artifacts, looted by grave robbers, are finally returned.
jezra t1_is61k1w wrote
Reply to Iranian official admits that student protesters are being taken to psychiatric institutions by AggregatedAggrevate
"if you don't believe that magic sky daddy wants me to be in charge, you are insane and need to be tortured." -- Iran, Kim Jong-un, Donald Trump, every other dictator
jezra t1_is16blh wrote
Reply to comment by Open-Satisfaction-36 in UK woman travels 7,000 miles to Hawaii to scatter hamster's ashes by Open-Satisfaction-36
the story isn't about Al Gore.
jezra t1_irxq3r3 wrote
hot damn, that's a big carbon footprint
jezra t1_ir6ywrs wrote
Reply to What invention between indoor plumbing & radios are more important and why??? help by Seat_Mediocre
wow, a lot of useful things were invented between indoor plumbing and radios. I would say "trains".
jezra t1_ir6xvbh wrote
This is a nice, but tiny, first step.
jezra t1_itxi7ru wrote
Reply to Saudia Arabia Is Going to Get a Hotel with A Ski Resort on Its Roof by theablazefeces
and a basement filled with murdered journalists?