jgj570s t1_iwvhs5h wrote
Reply to Looking for old fashioned grits! by poppityrockity
Big Easy on E Sunshine. Best shrimp and grits in town.
jgj570s t1_iwq8nul wrote
It’s the shit! From the wastewater treatment facility at James River freeway and FF. It smelled fucking awful this morning. Just think about all of those houses around there than just have to wake up to that five times a week.
jgj570s t1_iwlw26m wrote
Reply to Gonna swim with the sharks on Sunday. Looking to play pinball and also a more upscale place to have dinner. Any suggestions? by gonefishinglately
Char, the flame, the order, Kai
jgj570s t1_iwl8r68 wrote
Reply to Anybody here work at the Alamo? by JohnArbuckle10
Great owners & mgrs that try their best to create an open & accepting atmosphere with lots of opportunities for upward mobility. Plus, the whole chain is just cool.
jgj570s t1_iw8dica wrote
Reply to Best bar? by arbitrarytrombone
The Red Room under the Flame.
jgj570s t1_iw82v1z wrote
Reply to Best bar? by arbitrarytrombone
That place on South Street downtown that used to be Scotch and soda. I think they still have a lot of the same decor. Very chill. Springfield brewing Company The rooftop bar at Vandivort MudLounge
jgj570s t1_ivgzduc wrote
Reply to comment by agentbarron in Ballot, question 1: In general, I'm against rezoning for commercial, but does the property owner want it rezoned or is the city asking for it? by wederservebetter
What do you mean? Do you have a link?
jgj570s t1_ivgrv4j wrote
Reply to Ballot, question 1: In general, I'm against rezoning for commercial, but does the property owner want it rezoned or is the city asking for it? by wederservebetter
I’d rather have development. Already have a house.
jgj570s t1_ivai3km wrote
Reply to comment by mystonedalt in How do you plan to vote on amendment 3? by The_industry_insider
Lol. You do realize that Reddit is anonymous, right?
jgj570s t1_iv6rmvp wrote
I think Popeyes does. At least they used to.
jgj570s t1_iv6kpl6 wrote
Reply to comment by doctoreldritch in BRAIN SEROTONIN RELEASE IS REDUCED IN PATIENTS WITH DEPRESSION: A [11C]Cimbi-36 PET STUDY WITH A D-AMPHETAMINE CHALLENGE. - Biological Psychiatry by chilladipa
There was a big meta-analysis a few months ago showing that there probably wasn’t a strong connection between decreased serotonin and depression. This study however is very small and questionable. I would bet my house that it was funded by companies that make SSRIs.
jgj570s t1_iv6epo6 wrote
Reply to comment by Icy-Tangerine6465 in [ Removed by Reddit ] by [deleted]
They are around though!
jgj570s t1_iv6bou7 wrote
Reply to comment by Icy-Tangerine6465 in [ Removed by Reddit ] by [deleted]
jgj570s t1_iv6blh4 wrote
Reply to Best eggs benedict in SGF? by ProgressMom68
Early Bird, The Order, First Watch.
jgj570s t1_iv6axdh wrote
Reply to [ Removed by Reddit ] by [deleted]
jgj570s t1_iunweos wrote
Reply to Best places to get a men's haircut? by hikingjoey123
Dapper Barber downtown is pretty cool… But probably the best haircut I’ve gotten has been at Hudson Hawk over on East sunshine.
jgj570s t1_iumqler wrote
- We got one. And then we went over to Republic at a buddies neighborhood, and you could barely walk down the street, much less the sidewalks. He gave out like 20 pounds of candy.
jgj570s t1_iuiwncv wrote
Reply to comment by EdBlake1986 in CU-Winter months by ReadLess4430
You are right there! I put in a couple feet of insulation last spring, so hopefully that will help with my natural gas bill. CU does have pretty cheap electricity, but I bet it would still be cheaper to kick up the gas furnace. Of course, OP might have an electric furnace!
I’ve worked in renewable energy for over a decade and I’ve seen thousands of utility bills. The number one thing that you can do is weatherization and insulation. CPO can help w/ costs. After that, get a quote for Solar. If your credit score is above 650, you’ll qualify and reduce your bills by another 20 to 25% (until it’s paid off… And then it’s free).
jgj570s t1_iuhozwh wrote
Reply to CU-Winter months by ReadLess4430
Do not use space heaters…the most expensive way to heat anything! And keep it at 68 at night. A little higher during the day, if you want.
jgj570s t1_iueosvm wrote
Reply to comment by GinWithJennifer in Amendment 3 does NOT infringe on your constitutional rights. At all. by MidwestFescue82
These carts come from Oklahoma. Missouri is just newer and generally more difficult.
As a general rule, every time legalization of marijuana comes up, vote yes on it. Can’t go wrong.
jgj570s t1_iuej47i wrote
Reply to comment by GinWithJennifer in Amendment 3 does NOT infringe on your constitutional rights. At all. by MidwestFescue82
1g carts are $45-$65 at a MO dispensary. I get them for $20 from my guy (I get five at a time). He’s a friend, so I enjoy seeing him every once in a while!
jgj570s t1_iudsta9 wrote
Reply to comment by Awdvr491 in Amendment 3 does NOT infringe on your constitutional rights. At all. by MidwestFescue82
That’s the wrong idea bud. Like every other marijuana legislation, we’ve used the foot in the door technique. Get it legal recreationally, and then fix it later. It doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be legal. I’ve had my cannabis card for over two years but I’ve never stepped foot in a Missouri dispensary. But I sure do love not being freaked out if I get pulled over.
jgj570s t1_iudrvj5 wrote
Reply to comment by Awdvr491 in Amendment 3 does NOT infringe on your constitutional rights. At all. by MidwestFescue82
Who cares? Buy it from your local guy.
jgj570s t1_iu5rb6q wrote
Reply to TOMO drug testing expirence? by iAmMonkee-
Go to Kaleidoscope and buy some fake pee and just keep it with you.
jgj570s t1_ixjxxq1 wrote
Reply to Unique experience for a Christmas gift by ronjongogo331
Zip lining, cave tours, the big cedar thing. You’re right…there’s not much.