
jillianpikora OP t1_iz7zdam wrote

Just a few days ago I reported on another officer who wasn't even that clever. He worked for two depts. in Dauphin Co. at once and submitted timecards for the same hours in both. So while some people get in trouble doing things they should not be doing (or even doing extra work like harassing people, like one that called a coworker asking for him to reveal a source, so he "could show him a good time"), others are getting in trouble for doing too little! Seriously, as a reporter, I work with some truly nice people who are members of the police but lately I am seeing these officers (especially newer hirers) just doing some really dumb stuff! https://dailyvoice.com/pennsylvania/dauphin/news/ex-police-officer-in-two-pa-boroughs-took-98k-stole-guns-from-evidence-locker-authorities/850666/