jmdunkle t1_ivm2ahv wrote
Reply to comment by Woodyee101 in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
The right to vote isn’t contingent on that. You’re essentially advocating for a literacy test, which is a voter suppression tactic.
jmdunkle t1_ivm1b00 wrote
Reply to comment by ryeley323 in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
70% of mail-in voters are registered dems, so there goes that
jmdunkle t1_ivlzzyx wrote
Reply to comment by ryeley323 in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
The problem is with voter suppression, not mail-in ballots
jmdunkle t1_iuy6c8c wrote
Reply to comment by IJellyWackerI in Got this Democrat ad in the mail today, yep this is meant to be a Democrat ad. by redditornot6648
“Saying something I don’t agree with”
jmdunkle t1_iuy6ap2 wrote
Reply to comment by redditornot6648 in Got this Democrat ad in the mail today, yep this is meant to be a Democrat ad. by redditornot6648
Sorry that this simple factual ad isn’t to your liking. You didn’t have to say you were a Republican; it was obvious by your aversion to facts
jmdunkle t1_iuwyaed wrote
Reply to comment by Donotaskmedontellme in Some Shadyside residents having tires deflated, messages left behind by CompletePen8
Yeah, I mean... the person who did this is a piece of shit, but let's not twist their motives to suit our own biases. The motivation is literally spelled out on the note.
jmdunkle t1_iuwuef3 wrote
Reply to comment by 106473 in Some Shadyside residents having tires deflated, messages left behind by CompletePen8
It says "too big for city streets. You're going to run over a kid". It doesn't say "too bad for the environment". Don't try to alter this to fit your narrative.
jmdunkle t1_iuj4spc wrote
Reply to comment by DementedDaveyMeltzer in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Dr. Oz for Pennsylvania Senate race by LetsPlayCanasta
Fair point
jmdunkle t1_iuhjc6l wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Dr. Oz for Pennsylvania Senate race by LetsPlayCanasta
I know right? The people who repeat all the culture war grievances they see and hear on Fox News are hilarious
jmdunkle t1_iugnl0c wrote
Reply to comment by Gill03 in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Dr. Oz for Pennsylvania Senate race by LetsPlayCanasta
Bud, if you think far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist, militaristic, and holding beliefs that certain races are superior to others describes “liberals” more than the GQP, you never knew what fascism was (spoiler: you didn’t). Similarly, if you were truly a “moderate” and “independent” you wouldn’t have reacted defensively to my comment. No, I’d say you’re either a trump-loving astroturfer (a bad one, at that), or a reactionary pretending to be moderate to avoid scrutiny for the right-wing beliefs you actually hold. Either way, I give your attempt a 0/10
jmdunkle t1_iugeu6w wrote
It’s been interesting watching conservatives morph over the course of the last couple of decades from people with actual conservative ideals to easily-fleeced, simps for reality TV con-men, who also for some reason love fascism. An odd bunch.
jmdunkle t1_itspaj2 wrote
Reply to TIL that flight recorders must be able to withstand an acceleration of 3400 g for 6.5 milliseconds and that this is roughly equivalent to an impact velocity of 270 knots (310 mph; 500 km/h). by IchBinKoloss
Should make the whole plane out of that
jmdunkle t1_ivm2s5o wrote
Reply to comment by Woodyee101 in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
The right to vote also isn’t subject to your approval. You vote how you want, others can vote how they want. Just admit you don’t want certain people’s votes to count and save us all some time