
joeydokes OP t1_ixwrxso wrote

honestly can't say. But wearing them indoors might be the smart move insofar as RSV and winter months are concerned.

My post was not a CV19 thing - most of us are vax'd and would only get marginally sick if infected; omitting the impact of long-covid, which is a real thing to consider. WRT covid we each take our own precautions, while hoping we collectively are not straining the care-system beyond its means.


joeydokes OP t1_ixwl8sw wrote

Though you're mostly correct (about it being a social thing - and I'd use SARS in asia for comparison), people coughing for any reason in public should be of concern. This coming from a heavy smoker who's lungs are a phlegm factory.

Could be allergies, could be anything, including a germ. A cough, or two, into your arm is one thing, fine. Being a walking cough machine is another; socially speaking, despite what you (the cougher) may think/know.

I'm not shaming anyone F2F. This post is not shaming so much as calling common sense into question. And, FWIW, you're right; it is simple. Like carrying a gun, protecting oneself is a personal responsibility. Just stay outta my space and we'll be fine.


joeydokes OP t1_ixwhyin wrote

Its more the pity that besides covid, germs like RSV can become politicized in the MAGA arena. I just don't get the adoration of TD - never up before 11AM, then always on 'executive time' or out playing golf. Never did one thing he claimed he'd do, save for fleecing people. Shit, even the 2A crowd admit he's a gun-grabber!

Meanwhile, the maga-verse paints liberals as leftists, which neo-lib, 3rd way, blue (corpo) dogs, certainly are not; and anybody whose not a christo-fascist as a socialist! Like who needs a functioning USPO, or paved roads, or health-care .... privatize and pave the Earth!

We're F'd , even w/out climate change huffing at our doors; these Fox-addled maga-naughts are just fine w/billionaires deciding our collective fate.

I hate being so cynical :(


joeydokes OP t1_ivysns9 wrote

> Laurel Libby and Heidi Sampson are the two. > Edit: apparently they both won? FML

Looking at the URL in my OP and seeing just how red many of our Districts are (like 2-to-1) I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if MAGA got a toehold. But Auburn ? and yea - unopposed

Thanks for the input!

Thanks for the info!


joeydokes OP t1_ivyr4wr wrote

Thanks for the follow-up! I lived in Waterville may21 thru aug21 and wife worked at Johnny's Seeds. We liked the area, safe enough, friendly, a bit rusty and boring... That said, that area, incl Winslow/Fairfield, seemed to be a magnet for MAGA-like grievance.

Lawrence doesn't appear to be too extreme; here's hoping :)