
joeydokes t1_iyelafu wrote

And, like on my recent RSV post, so goes the never ending debate on protection versus exposure (to build up one's immunity) and more “Immunity debt” defenders vis-a-vis protecting the community writ large AOT possibly/maybe building up greater bodily resistance to germs.

Fortunately, most all of us are vax'd and have the common sense to wear a mask when indoors public space. And WRT masks:

[K]N95 masks protect you from ingesting a nuclei , serge masks, at least, are a barrier that stops the (larger, infected) envelope from becoming airborne.

Please be a considerate soul and wear either when indoors in public spaces; "think of the children" if doing so is a bitter pill to swallow :)


joeydokes OP t1_iybuald wrote

Don't bother responding, or take the last word if you do, regardless

I don't know where you were during 2020 but I'd bet it was not as a 1st responder, or care-giver or even a F'in prison hack.

2020, pre-vax, was a culling; try to deny it. And even after the vax, it continued; due to folks who didn't see the need to comply w/basic social standards. And to a lesser extent it continues still. All because "muh freedoms" standing atop cardboard boxes filled with quasi-facts.

There are always exceptions based on medical limits. But if its just on principle and one don't want the vax? Fine, don't seek help if you get infected. Don't want to wear a mask indoors when bugs are on the rise? Fine, stay 6' away TF from me; I'll buy you a beer and we can beef on.

Yea, not happy to say it, but your prevailing 'tude is the same as the 2020 version. It got people sick then and can still get people sick now. Their ability to survive notwithstanding.

Yes, I'm antiglobalist; all its done is give the filthy rich more reach to feast off the bone of the poors, somewhere.

AFAIC, CV19 was released with intention; the designs of some folk(s) who want to see a few billion less people walking our planet; and profit off their pains.

It doesn't matter what i feel or think. My words speak for other simple people. Who don't really give AF about the current corrupt system or the show-runners in charge. As it is about keeping myself, those I care about, out of the ER and in decent enough health when 1 bad bill could bankrupt them.

Please stay healthy and uninfected. My well-being may depend on it. If actions, or lack of them, expose risk to those (strangers) w/out their informed consent cuz one's shedding while standing in the checkout line and too close, for instance, then yea, Houston's got a problem.


joeydokes OP t1_iyb3ydj wrote

> People who wore [masks or] stayed home, didn’t interact with others in person, and were hyper conscious about germs are going to struggle to fight off this winters standard bugs.

No we're not, because we're still masking up (in public), still social distancing and still being vax'd . People doing none of the above are more likely to get infected; whether its a mild case or otherwise.

Your assertion that exposure makes our bodies more resilient is not untrue. That said, antibody resistance to CV19 will be different than resistance to RSV; or to flu virii, or herpes or any of the litany of other viruses (AOT bacterial) floating around out there.

I guess my assertion is improved resistance to germ A does not imply greater resistance to germ B. And, we're just talking respiratory virii here. And, FWIW, despite repeat exposure to germ A producing improved resistance down the road, you are not the same person down the road; you get older, weaker, .... you change (along w/your immunology).

What you're suggesting is akin to saying hey, I got malaria in SA, but skip the preventions, if I get hit again it won't be so bad. Except it is, and depending on the env, availability of medicine,.... could be much worse.


joeydokes OP t1_iyb1y3i wrote

r/hermancaineaward is no diff from other subs; there's always a fair share of a-holes who like to gloat. Most though see it as lamentable were it not for individual intransigence. Not unlike r/leopardsatemyface

Few are taking joy in the suffering of others in ways that you suggest, but being you, that's the first place you look to demean it.

> coercion, exploitation, and manipulation of individuals into forfeiting their own right to medical autonomy else have the quasi-consensus society exile them.

On one level, you are not wrong; on another you appear to want to forgo the price being in said society requires, while reaping said benefits. Like a fascist on their soapbox exercising 1A only because the rest of us tolerate it .

> The White House is promoting apartheid-like conditional access to society, we call that - Crimes Against Humanity.

I loathe Biden, and Dems in general, but that sentence? Wow! Sure you don't mean Netanyahu and Israel?


joeydokes OP t1_iyazort wrote

> Don't insist that everyone else conform to your faux consensus manifested by the largest propaganda blitz we have ever witnessed/experienced.

I appreciate long and thoughtful replies, even though I may not agree with them. But you are basically saying "free the germs, don't bother with vaccinations" because of detrimental effects of dealing with it, because its fruitless to try, and doing so makes you a pawn of big gov propaganda. And, mostly, because you don't like anyone telling you what you should or need to do. Maybe you should try NH, or AZ, or ID for more sympathetic audiences.

You've beefed up all your talking points to reinforce why you're right and I'm wrong; why anyone recommending social protections are wrong.

Not the "the prolonged negative affects of irrational and detrimental pandemic 'response'" so much as the prolonged negative effects that people like you, disinclined to vax or mask just because 'beliefs', are exacting on the community writ large.

There's nothing irrational about protection though it does have its downsides. I'm no fan of big pharma, or the government FTM, still, sometimes you bite the bullet and do what's right. The CV19 vax is not immunity (yet) but mitigation, RSV has no vax, Mpox is here as are a host of other germs easily spread in our globalized planet.

But no, you pat yourself on the back for being a 'free thinker' while 2 minutes perusing your post history, and all the negative points all your replies generate, illustrate how off the mark you are trolling for nobody's benefit but your own.


joeydokes OP t1_iyan8s5 wrote

> the collateral effects of draconian "health" policy like lockdowns, forcibly masking, forcibly medicating, etc, are overall more detrimental than the benefits they provide. Read that again if you have to. The collateral damage from draconian pandemic response is more damaging to our society than a coronavirus.

Well, says you; thankfully we'll never know, considering a vaccine was produced and (most) people followed guidelines. Still, over 1mil USA'ians died and millions more impacted.

What CH and AU are doing may be overboard, I can't say cuz I don't live there. But frankly I think you don't know shit and only cite words that match your belief system.

Good luck, pard. Hope you don't make r/hermancaineaward or become a zombie dying on the hill of "sunk costs"


joeydokes OP t1_iyakwex wrote

1st - I get your assertion WRT masks and kids in classrooms, exposure (to teachers, staff, ...) notwithstanding

2nd - I agree that unless you're wearing a [K]N95 mask exposure to nuclei from evaporated envelopes will get to your mouth/nose. N95's are what keeps virii from being inhaled.

But even a simple surge mask will stop the envelopes from spewing if you yourself happen to have virii/germs. So, they do serve a purpose of keeping others safe(r) around you should you be infectious.

If you are trying to assert that masks serve no purpose, or are even counter-productive to fighting virus, I think you're full-on wrong.

Masks are a component,along with >= 6' distance and good ventilation, to keeping the social safety net intact.

If you're looking for a return to 'normal' - well good luck with that. Years ahead are going to make 2020-2022 look downright appealing. Normal jumped the shark and headed south.

Additionally, even you are ready to sacrifice old and immuno-compromised people on the alter of "adapting to it", unless you can provide a verifiable link to the contrary, long-covid (and repeated exposure to SRV) and the associated effects are reasons to avoid getting these sicknesses.


joeydokes OP t1_iy081lh wrote

> Why does this have to be so politically driven?

I really wasn't trying to make it political versus common sense. The only thing that drags politics into it is folk clinging to the "i'm not wearing a chin-diaper for any reason" - to which I could care less, providing they keep their shedding to themselves.

As of today, people are not seeing a need to mask up for RSV, which is fine I suppose. My point was noting that this year that bug is on the rise, the situation could change quickly, and wondering if common sense will prevail.

Which I'm taking, from this post, to be a no.


joeydokes OP t1_ixxoos5 wrote

My read is that it can infect both kids and adults repeatedly during the winter months. That having it once does build up some resistance. That its harshest for already compromised people but no such thing as long-RSV like there is with covid.

It may be 'common' as another stated, but that makes precaution no less necessary; specially as there is no vax, unlike flu/cv19. Combined with its spike in children due to other factors and being easily passed (repeatedly even) between child and adults this winter could prove stressful for a lot of people.


joeydokes OP t1_ixxgdmb wrote

Outside? Keeping your space? No problem, friend; smile on :)

I mask up indoors only, only talking indoors, and in crowds; like supermarkets and pharmacies, standing in line at the chinese restaurant, the corner store ...

As for restaurants and sit-down dining? I'd likely take a pass if the waiting room is packed and maskless; eating at a table safely spaced and well ventilated? Once in awhile works OK.

Stay healthy, pard!


joeydokes OP t1_ixxdgoq wrote

Heya, thanks for the reply and information. As someone old who's been informed on flu and pneumonia I'm surprised to first learn of it now; and not even last winter, despite my recent arrival from VT.

I grok ya on kids, on the flip side of protection causing different issues and their immune systems AOT adults. Since RSV can be passed easily between adults and kids, behavior of both are affected.

With the reality being 'what it is', would you agree that masking up (indoors) during peak winter is necessary? So far, the consensus is no. I was thinking that could change sooner than later. Are you saying NBD?


joeydokes OP t1_ixx7xpf wrote

> common sense is in short supply these days.

Germs, and non-adaptive people, are Nature's population controls; is what i said in another reply. Also noting the strain it presents on everyone trying to address other, non-covid, medical needs.

A month to see a PCP, 3mo or more for a vet, a dentist, longer for a specialist's procedure. The exodus from medical is hard felt. Hope that you don't need an ambulance.

Won't be long before some Equity-owned med center has AI bots giving us our examinations :-)

"Prepare to bend over (and cough)!"


joeydokes OP t1_ixx76g5 wrote

I try to keep from getting dramatic about it just accepting that its here, not going anywhere and that most healthy people seem to be surviving it well enough. In some queer way, that was the conservative (scientific) POV from the outset, but not to their credit that it was vaxing that made minimizing even your sad stats possible

If if means more isolating w/a close circle and avoiding gatherings, keeping distances, masking up, whatever; no hardship for me. Issue is the strain a cavalier POV takes on the health system; making dr/dds/eye appointments and procedures and the like. To say nothing of real, non-covid, emergencies. Or the tax/costs of treating people with severe covid.

And, as you say, the prospect of long-term effects of multiple infections is likely going to be consequential. And its not on people's minds unless their already noticing brainfog:)

Germs, and non-adaptive people, are Nature's population controls.


joeydokes OP t1_ixwyxxf wrote

> jargon packed ramblings

yea, whatever ...

I'm not angry about politics, I'm pissed off with inaccurate labeling and agit-prop.

And yea, my comment about the MAGA mask was over the top and I'm not in any way suggesting that non-maskers are hard right conservatives; just a small subset.

But trying and assert that there is no correlation between maskless people (indoors) and that subset of r/HermanCainAward contestants will leave you 0 legs to stand on.

My 'petty resentments' to you are, to me, what's been dragging the country down; for decades. But hey, you're entitled to your opinion as to what qualifies as "Americans", even for a 2yr old account with barely any karma.