
jogoso2014 t1_j68z1bq wrote

I like it.

I’m about 4 episodes in.

I don’t think the gimmick is as groundbreaking as some are saying.

The episodes are written in such a way that it doesn’t matter that much so far for me.

It’s very episodic and so chronology is not that important. Maybe if the heist itself is included in the randomness which would be kind of baller.

They may do this since I’m not finished.


jogoso2014 t1_j68k8uf wrote

It doesn’t need to be in the top ten.

If it is constantly viewed, it’s more valuable than a show that has record viewing minutes but never revisited.

I rarely rewatch shows but I’m amazed at how many people watch a show over and over again like Friends or The Office.


jogoso2014 t1_j59o424 wrote

It was weird when it was out. The stories were based on current events that happened a year or so earlier so it felt like Sorkin was kinda making a show about how he wish the current events went.

I imagine it’s better the further out since you aren’t aware of the time difference and it’s not really about current events but how the news reports it.


jogoso2014 t1_j4nergk wrote

The user score is irrelevant to HBO. But the review scores are another matter if it doesn’t match up with viewers.

It appears to be popular though.

However they wouldn’t be responsible for the creative process and they may have a deal with Kaling overall.


jogoso2014 t1_j2urmo5 wrote

My impression was the KGB was equally divided in their loyalties which helped protect them.

Clearly the groundswell of support for Gorbachev’s plan would have provided some insulation.

Otherwise it would have been easier to simply kill Gorbachev.


jogoso2014 t1_j2182we wrote

It’s a good show. Gorgeous too.

I thought the marketing was bad. I would have never know it was a western if not for seeing it started Emily Blint and checking out the trailer.

Even then, it’s an odd western.

Still it’s definitely worth checking out.