johnn48 t1_j2830lz wrote
Nothing confirms your Authoritarian bona fides like congratulations from Vladimir.
johnn48 t1_j27x8gg wrote
Reply to Man Arrested in Miami for Role in January 6 Insurrection at U.S. Capitol by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho-
Jan 6th, the gift that keeps on giving.
johnn48 t1_j27uzja wrote
Reply to Biotech chestnut tree poised to restore lost ecosystems and biodiversity — But it needs your help by Spiffydude98
That’s the dichotomy of bioengineering. To a binary choice of solutions either allow nature to run its course and possible extinction. Or Bioengineer a solution and interfere with the Natural course of events and prevent the decimation of a species. Add Bioethics which is non binary and subjective based on your interpretation and you’ve created a dilemma.
johnn48 t1_j21gqez wrote
Reply to comment by Frankenmuppet in Nearly 300 sue over alleged sexual abuse at L.A. County juvenile halls and camps by BecuzMDsaid
>Chief Rick Bourassa lays out 25 allegations which include assaults, attempted fraud, inappropriate behaviour with a minor, habitually providing misleading information, unsafe storage of firearms and inappropriate physical contact with a female co-worker.
And Yet Murdock contends the:
>chief's decision to fire him was "excessive, unwarranted, unnecessary and inappropriate."
And we wonder why he’s merely being fired, rather than charged.
johnn48 t1_j1qn1w4 wrote
Reply to comment by firebat45 in TIL Sigmund Freud made the decision to flee Austria after his daughter Anna was interrogated by the Gestapo for nearly 12 hours. He was able to buy safe passage out of Austria just in time with 31,000 Reich marks in 1938 by Ok_Copy5217
Countries are notoriously reticent about refugees. The US viewed refugees as security risk’s and turned away Jewish refugees routinely. The most infamous was the German Liner St Louis with 900 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. Ultimately they were refused asylum in America and Canada and returned to Europe where Britain, France, and other countries gave them asylum. Unfortunately 254 died in the Holocaust.
johnn48 t1_j1ewncx wrote
>More than a dozen male university teachers in Afghanistan have resigned and several male students walked out of their classrooms in support of female students who were forced out of higher education following a Taliban decree.
Afghanistan has a population of 39 Million people yet the article says “more than a dozen” and “several” male students have walked out. The degree of control the Taliban has over its population is staggering. Whereas limited demonstrations in the West are amplified by the media and get significant coverage. The effect of a small demonstration in Afghanistan is inconsequential. The only pressure that can be exerted on the Taliban is on its allies to try and remediate their behavior.
johnn48 t1_j0y0vcp wrote
Reply to comment by Hinsley in Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case by NippyAardvark
Exactly, until he was shamed by a Mattress store opening and welcoming people. Then it was we were gonna open but we weren’t ready, now we’re open. Yeah right.
johnn48 t1_j0xxe23 wrote
Reply to comment by fingerblastders in Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case by NippyAardvark
I always whether these prosperity preachers reach out and help their congregation, and if so how much. I’m reminded of when that Hurricane hit their cities Preacher’s Jesse Duplantis and Joel Osteen were conspicuously absent in reaching out and helping others.
johnn48 t1_j0mwuz6 wrote
Reply to comment by iamnotexactlywhite in History-making Asian American soccer player describes his journey to self-acceptance | Kellyn Acosta, the first Asian American to appear in the World Cup for the USMNT, described how others have dismissed his Japanese heritage, and the harmful stereotypes around Asians and sports. by AsslessBaboon
In my case it’s a reaction to prejudice and racism as I grew up. If you identified as Mexican you were asked if you were “legal” an “illegal alien” etc. If you avoided identifying your heritage it was assumed because you were ashamed or embarrassed of being a “Mexican”. If you were brought up in an environment separated from your culture it was assumed that you didn’t want to be known as “Mexican American”. If you identified as Chicano, some understood the connection others not so much. So that raises the question why is your handle “iamnotexactlywhite” make it make sense.
johnn48 t1_j0mbyaq wrote
Reply to comment by Mysteriousdeer in History-making Asian American soccer player describes his journey to self-acceptance | Kellyn Acosta, the first Asian American to appear in the World Cup for the USMNT, described how others have dismissed his Japanese heritage, and the harmful stereotypes around Asians and sports. by AsslessBaboon
As Ted Lasso said be curious, that’s always been my motto. So when I see the word diversity, I’m curious what does the person mean. I admit I’m a Boomer and the buzz words and acronyms having me searching Google quite often. Just identifying myself as an American of Mexican descent, am I Chicano, MexAm, or whatever LatinX is? So do we lead me people to diverse views and cultures or hit them over the head with them. Are we judgmental or accepting, confrontational or open to dialogue. Do I have to accept diversity without question or can I still have reservations. Are your Music choices better than mine or is there room for both. Are all our choices binary or do I have to accept your definition as the correct one? Stay curious my friend.
johnn48 t1_j0m39d3 wrote
Reply to History-making Asian American soccer player describes his journey to self-acceptance | Kellyn Acosta, the first Asian American to appear in the World Cup for the USMNT, described how others have dismissed his Japanese heritage, and the harmful stereotypes around Asians and sports. by AsslessBaboon
Curious his Step Father is Mexican, Mother Black, Father Japanese and grew up in a White neighborhood. As a 3rd Gen MexAm I grew up in a White suburb of San Diego. While cognizant of my roots and culture, it’s more accurate to say I’m a White MexAm. The reality is that race and heritage are only a small part of what constitutes who you are. A ginger White boy growing up in the Barrio with his homies and learning the culture of the Barrio has more in common with Mexicans than the Whites of suburban America. The same occurs across America where stereotypical Races grow up in non traditional settings. So I’m always curious when I see mixed race children which was the predominant culture that was assimilated. Consider that Barack Obama was routinely criticized for not “being Black enough” by Blacks but too Black by Whites. So while Kellyn might consider himself an Asian American he’s going to always have detractors who question his true heritage. I wish him luck as he goes forward.
johnn48 t1_j0lvzrf wrote
I’m glad he was able to get rid of the Cartel’s and have time now to concentrate on Foreign Affairs. I’m sure he’ll have more time now to get involved in other endeavors.
johnn48 t1_j0luiad wrote
Reply to Florida pastor accused of fraud a no-show in court due to ‘grave medical concerns’ by JBupp
Curious that both Father and Son seemed to have the same medical concerns. They both became non-communicative with their lawyers on the same day. If I was a cynical man I might believe they were trying to delay their trials, luckily I believe it’s just a coincidence. 😉
johnn48 t1_j0c1ssm wrote
Reply to Scientists Found 168 More Ancient Figures Etched Into the Peruvian Desert by That-Situation-4262
Between Paywalls and Google Amp it’s frustrating to see an intriguing article and be unable to read or post. We have to assume the headlines are accurate and not misleading.
johnn48 t1_ixxltlz wrote
Reply to comment by TransposingJons in Women sue Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan over Epstein ties | Women who have accused Jeffrey Epstein of sexual abuse filed lawsuits against Deutsche Bank AG and JPMorgan Chase & Co on Thursday, alleging the banks financially benefited from the late financier's alleged sex trafficking oper by Blood__Rivers
Amazing isn’t it that Ghislaine Maxwell is serving time for all of Jeffrey’s crimes, yet the murder of underage girls was never brought up. Not one charge related to harm other than providing 4 women for sex that were underage at the time.
johnn48 t1_ixl1zmg wrote
Actually I wasn’t sure how I felt about Elizabeth’s bio. I’m not sure whether she would take the librarian comment as shade or praise. I know when I went to school few girls would have been flattered.
johnn48 t1_iwhlor0 wrote
Reply to comment by _Iro_ in TIL that a district in India’s Punjab state requires prospective gun owners to plant 10 trees and take pictures with them as proof by cjfullinfaw07
> A man in Java, Indonesia has completed a herculean task: Planting an entire forest all on his own.
I think what we’re saying is not to abandon the effort, but think it through. We badly need trees, but we need effective planning more.
johnn48 t1_iwgisl1 wrote
Reply to TIL that a district in India’s Punjab state requires prospective gun owners to plant 10 trees and take pictures with them as proof by cjfullinfaw07
This has nothing to do with the article, but it does need to be said. Too often these plant a tree campaigns are not well thought out or implemented. Too often they’re implemented without thought for sustainability or whether the place’s where the trees are planted are environmentally suitable. An extreme example obviously but planting trees in an area subject to drought or the wrong type of tree for the area, deciduous vs coniferous.
johnn48 t1_ivxj6bk wrote
Reply to Ukraine’s true detectives: the investigators closing in on Russian war criminals – podcast | World news by Srishanvi
I can’t see without a clear victor in a war, how you can bring anyone to Justice. The Nuremberg trials were only possible because we were victorious over Germany and able to arrest the perpetrators. Ukraine would have to depend on Russia or a third party extraditing accused War Criminals. They can’t expect Russia to turn over Putin.
johnn48 t1_ivwxfrd wrote
Reply to Federal contractors / companies must disclose climate impact under new legislation. A huge step toward forcing big companies to green up their acts. by Artesian
In the light of election results, all reporting should come with a caveat “subject to Congressional approval” or “by unilateral Executive Action”. Too often we hear of pending legislation and it’s blocked in the Senate or House or fail’s to get out of Committee. We live in a time of unequalled partisan obstructionism by Congress.
johnn48 t1_ivwvnyd wrote
Reply to NASA leaders recently viewed footage of an underwater dive off the East coast of Florida, and they confirm it depicts an artifact from the space shuttle Challenger by marketrent
I’d be curious if NASA would want to recover it to determine if it added anything to their understanding of what went wrong. Will this be a “let the honored dead Rest In Peace”, we’ve determined the cause and we’ve moved on. Curious to see what happens.
johnn48 t1_iv9jym7 wrote
Of course surrender is the solution to peace. The irony is they march for Peace yet only offer surrender as the choice for the victims of Genocide and War Crimes. Their solution to rape is to offer no resistance and lie back, to assault lean in to the blows, to theft open your home. We all want peace, not surrender.
johnn48 t1_iuh41vc wrote
Reply to This cinnamon has not been irradiated. by AmberRosin
Not only Non-Irradiated but Gluten-free and Vegan.
johnn48 t1_iubt0i1 wrote
It sounds similar to what we call Earth Shelters here. I’ve seen some called Earthship Homes in New Mexico made from recycled materials. So it sounds less like cave’s than making use of the terrain.
johnn48 t1_j28yl7q wrote
Reply to ELI5: By using Medical Science, we are practically denying natural selection. How can it affect us in the future? by No_Victory_1611
The ability to overcome one disadvantage does not guarantee your ability to overcome other difficulties. I’m nearsighted, wear glasses, thus am able to see far. I’m 72 suffered a stroke am hemiplegic, as a result limited mobility so I’m housebound. So I’ve not conquered Natural Selection but merely mitigated its effects.