
jojammin t1_j1vioik wrote

Lmao god damn you are dumb. That is literally a propaganda website from right wing think-tanks/chamber of commerce types that lobby to make businesses not accountable for injuring and killing people. You have been taken advantage of my dumb friend


jojammin t1_j1veddg wrote

You are literally too dumb to be on a jury. What do you think the purpose of the tort system is? It is to make the injured whole. If someone on the train was not injured, they have no damages, there is no case to bring. There is nothing to sue for. No lawyer would take that case. It would get dismissed if it's filing pro SE. The "frivolous law suit" is literally an invention by insurers to take advantage of dumb idiots like yourself to support tort reform to boost their profits. You are dumb. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


jojammin t1_j0uu940 wrote

>SYG shifts the burden of proof to the State

State always has the burden of proving defendants guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. What? You are citing papers without understanding them.

Jury, not the state, determines guilt and whether affirmative defense (defendant has burden usually under SYG statutes to prove self defense) has been met.


jojammin t1_j0uq593 wrote

Jury would make determination if he satisfied syg jury instruction/statute. He would get to present evidence that he did. I would get the other squeegee boys to take the stand and testify that the victim charged the shooter and only turned away at the last second which would create reasonable doubt/give the affirmative defense of SYG


jojammin t1_ixcnzjz wrote

Can't wait for this pedo cult to go bankrupt. Sounds like the school is losing a promising student over something that isn't even in the catechism. School rings must be blessed????? That ain't in the bible and I'm damn sure the pope never said such nonsense. Principal is a power tripping loser. Hopefully she'll get a better education at BCPS.