
jomoneyjoproblems OP t1_j1mspnz wrote

Regardless, I believe there were more respectful and careful ways to get your point across. you have nothing offered to this discussion in an effective way and have instead created animosity and tension in a subreddit about art and community. There are an abundance of posts under this subreddit that contribute a lot less. Before you claimed my post was not valid because it was shallow, but now it’s because I haven’t finished the novel. I don’t understand your insistence with vilifying my post but alas we can have differing opinions. Have a Merry Christmas.


jomoneyjoproblems OP t1_j1mrjf2 wrote

I’m not seeing your point. I don’t particularly care whether or not you believe what I have to say is shallow, as Ive seen various other posts under this reddit with far less stimulating subject matter. Considering my body pertains to a book and the subject matter of the book I believe it has a place in this subreddit. Shallow, or not.