jonnycash11 t1_jdj1256 wrote
Reply to NYC: Success Academy Buys New Properties While Planning to Charge Rent to NYC Public Schools by barweis
I believe public schools charge charters rent to use their space as well so this may not be as ridiculous as it sounds.
I would have to see the details—is Success Academy paying from their budget to renovate the buildings and turn them into schools? That would seem fair then.
jonnycash11 t1_jdex8dn wrote
Can they put up lights on it now to properly identify it as the headquarters of the Daily Bugle?
jonnycash11 t1_jdeeti8 wrote
Reply to comment by TeamMisha in Jackson Heights: The neighbourhood that epitomises New York by MeGustaOnc
Areas close to the LIRR are great, but those that are far away from the metro are not very valuable to Manhattan commuters.
jonnycash11 t1_jdauizp wrote
Reply to comment by globe_roamer_ in Jackson Heights: The neighbourhood that epitomises New York by MeGustaOnc
I think “cleaning up” means brothels
jonnycash11 t1_jd5rket wrote
Reply to I am Siobhan MacShane. I've been a Observatory Host at the Empire State Building since 2004. AMA. by EmpireStateBuilding
Is the customs deck at the top?
Also, what floor has the highest bathroom (with a window)?
jonnycash11 t1_jcm980w wrote
Reply to comment by casanovaelrey in NY lawmakers say they won't support MTA's planned fare hike for commuters by King-of-New-York
So, you’re acknowledging that I was correct about municipal revenue. Great we agree then.
We also agree that the MTA could be better.
As for the hukou, you’re either being intentionalIy pedantic or are having trouble following what I said.
Who told you there were other ways to change your household registration without buying property in a new city? Maybe if you’re a party member or doing research in a big city, yes, but otherwise that’s about the only way to do it. You can’t change household registration unless you have a new household!
jonnycash11 t1_jclr4bf wrote
Reply to comment by casanovaelrey in NY lawmakers say they won't support MTA's planned fare hike for commuters by King-of-New-York
I lived in China for much longer than that, have a degree from a Chinese university (taught in Chinese) and ran a small business for several years.
In any case, a hukou is a household registration system created after the Chinese Civil War to prevent farmers from leaving the countryside and flooding into cities. Everyone has one.
You can work and rent in other areas, but you are denied access to certain municipal services, like local health insurance, retirement funds, and high schools for your children if you live in a different area. Working in that area will give you certain benefits, but less than a bonafide resident You also cannot get married in a different city unless you are working there.
That being said, local governments raise money for public works through land sales and taxes on real estate.
jonnycash11 t1_jcl74i7 wrote
Reply to comment by casanovaelrey in NY lawmakers say they won't support MTA's planned fare hike for commuters by King-of-New-York
Gosh, you have little understanding of how things work in China.
Buying a home is what gets you a hukou in a big city. The taxes on real estate are what fund public works.
Property tax is not existent because, with very few exceptions, the government owns all of the land. Income tax is negligible in China.
And you keep missing the point where I keep saying that because I am elaborating on why the Shanghai system costs less, it does not mean I am praising the MTA.
jonnycash11 t1_jckwb3y wrote
Reply to comment by casanovaelrey in NY lawmakers say they won't support MTA's planned fare hike for commuters by King-of-New-York
Do you need to buy a house in NYC to have a 户口 and access to the pubic services? That’s what subsidizes public transport.
If the income to housing cost ratio was as skewed in NYC as it is in Shanghai, we could hire migrant workers to build and repair tunnels without OT, probably it would be close.
My qualifying my earlier statement is not the same as saying the MTA is great. Different inputs produce different results.
jonnycash11 t1_jcktdkx wrote
Reply to comment by casanovaelrey in NY lawmakers say they won't support MTA's planned fare hike for commuters by King-of-New-York
Congrats, I’ve lived in all three places too. 给你鼓个掌
jonnycash11 t1_jchmrmn wrote
Reply to comment by gregbeans in NY lawmakers say they won't support MTA's planned fare hike for commuters by King-of-New-York
Depends on the neighborhood. It’s clean where I live.
jonnycash11 t1_jchmo4k wrote
Reply to comment by casanovaelrey in NY lawmakers say they won't support MTA's planned fare hike for commuters by King-of-New-York
Shanghai and Hong Kong do not have flat fares, they have fare zones. Shanghai’s is probably cheaper on average than New York’s, but I doubt if Hong Kong’s is.
Shanghai receives huge subsidies to operate and both HK’s and SH’s are not open 24/7.
jonnycash11 t1_jchdvzz wrote
Reply to comment by casanovaelrey in NY lawmakers say they won't support MTA's planned fare hike for commuters by King-of-New-York
Name them, I’m genuinely curious
jonnycash11 t1_jbqklxc wrote
Reply to comment by AmIBeingInstained in Videos Show NYPD Chiefs Intervened Before Voiding of Ex-Cop’s Gun Arrest by E-bike-NYorker
Uh huh.
The same personalities would be drawn back and do the same thing all over again.
jonnycash11 t1_jboh7n8 wrote
George Santos is the Lindbergh baby
jonnycash11 t1_jartwie wrote
Reply to comment by anchoviepaste4dinner in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
G Train used to provide service all the way to Forest Hills
jonnycash11 OP t1_jaozq28 wrote
“OnPoint NYC, a nonprofit, opened the sites with backing from former Mayor Bill de Blasio in November 2021. Since then, the centers have helped prevent nearly 700 overdoses, OnPoint said. They have become pilgrimage sites for health officials, politicians and treatment groups around the country hoping to replicate them.
But the experiment in caring for people while they use drugs is at a crossroads. OnPoint said the private funding of around $1.4 million a year it uses to operate the sites will run out in February. Federal officials have until Jan. 9 to decide whether to continue backing a lawsuit against a proposed drug-use site in Philadelphia. The Justice Department said it is evaluating safe-use sites and protocols for operating them with state and local officials.
The Biden administration’s approach to the case will determine whether cities including New York decide they have firm legal standing to increase support and funding for safe-use sites, legal experts and public-health officials said.
“The expectation by those who stepped up and funded was that this would be the opening and that others would join,” said Sam Rivera, OnPoint NYC’s executive director.
Legislation to create safe-use sites has stalled in Illinois, Massachusetts and New Mexico. California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in August vetoed a bill that would have allowed San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles to open free-use sites. He said sanctioning drug use could exacerbate drug problems in those cities.
But there is still interest in many communities. Rhode Island passed a bill backing free-use sites in 2021, and a group there has applied to open one this summer. “When people visit these sites, they see the profound impact you can have on people when you provide respect, healthcare and autonomy,” said Brandon Marshall, professor of epidemiology at the Brown University School of Public Health. Some community leaders in New York resisted OnPoint’s safe-use sites. Syderia Asberry, a founder of the nonprofit Greater Harlem Coalition, spent three years fighting against what she called the oversaturation of treatment centers and shelters in Harlem. She said safe-use sites represent an acceptance of drug use as a way of life.
“People are dying. We understand that. We don’t want people to die,” she said. “But is this really helping people?” Mr. Rivera said the sites keep people alive to try treatment when they are ready. “It’s a health intervention,” he said.
He said he would need $4.5 million a year to operate the sites around the clock.
OnPoint has received about $1 million to fund the sites from donors including the New York Community Trust and the New York Health Foundation.”
jonnycash11 t1_jan30xg wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ban Corporal Punishment in Private Schools, New York Lawmakers Say by _Maxolotl
Yep. And the yeshivas take money to provide special Ed services and after school programs and redistribute the funds to themselves and their families. There was a story that said they had fleeced voters out of something like 2 billion dollars
jonnycash11 t1_ja3x1ss wrote
Reply to comment by TetraCubane in NYC council votes to name street after antisemitic Nation of Islam leader by drpvn
Malcolm X was the minister of the NYC and Washing DC temples and put the group on the map after standing vigilant outside of a Harlem police station after one of their members had been severely beaten by police.
His home was firebombed on Valentine’s Day 1965 while he was away in Rochester making his last speech. Four days later he was shot while preparing to speak in Harlem.
In a March 1944 interview to Ebony magazine he stated that they “would have to kill me” because he knew where “all of their bodies were buried” and “might exhume some”.
jonnycash11 t1_j9tv40h wrote
Hopefully he and his team of advisors will come up with a plan…
jonnycash11 t1_j7xdz15 wrote
jonnycash11 t1_j7bcuqs wrote
Reply to comment by Kimorin in New Form of Ice Discovered – May Shake Up Our Understanding of Water by landlord2213
Ergo, crushed ice
jonnycash11 t1_j7a4401 wrote
I would hate to be an immunocompromised student who caught tuberculosis or chicken pox from an illegal immigrant who had enrolled in a school without first having a medical exam that an ordinary citizen would be required to have. Almost seems like a double-standard.
jonnycash11 t1_j74yvgy wrote
This is why the rest of the country thinks we’re crazy
jonnycash11 t1_je4t0gi wrote
Reply to comment by Scham2k in Gothamist: NYC subway station agents say so long to the booths this week by Delicious_Adeptness9
They’d have to get out to chase you then. But that requires leaving the booth.